“I like to extract the THC for some of my various. . . projects. Whatever you’re working with is some of the best weed I’ve ever had. I’d like to get some from you, in bulk of course, so I can try your strain in my product.”

“How much do you need?”

Ethan shrugged. “Not much to start with. Enough to experiment with. A few pounds at most.”

“Done. I’ll have it sent to you tomorrow morning.”

Ethan smiled, looking genuinely excited at the prospect. “And the sugar? You’ll try it before you leave?”

“Only if you go first,” I said immediately.

There was no way in hell I was going to try anything they handed me. I was still cautious of the fuckers.

“In fact, give it to Fox. He’s Mr. Football over there. If he dies, the entire Mayfair football season dies with him, and I know how hardcore people are about Mayfair football,” I said.

“I’m not real big into drugs,” Fox said immediately, tucking his phone away.

“Just do it,” Enzo said, nodding for Ethan to set it up. “We all will.”

“I won’t,” Cole said. “I’m too fucked as it is on these pain meds. Plus, someone will have to drive home. If you guys get ripped, I might have to do it. Not like Rosebud can come pick us up out here.”

“Where is she?” B asked suddenly as Ethan started cutting lines on the table from the bag Dom had handed him back.

“Rosalie?” Enzo asked. He checked his watch. “Well, it’s rather late. I’m hoping she’s home.”

“She is,” Fox said. “She just texted me. Anson dropped her off.” Something in his voice suggested he didn’t like whoever Anson was.

“He in your little harem?” I asked.

Cole let out a bitter laugh that sent chills down my spine.

“Not a fucking chance,” Fox said, his body tensing. “He’s some motherfucker she’s partnering with for her singing showcase.”

“I’d kill him if I didn’t think she’d weep for the prick,” Enzo said.

“He’s trying to steal her from us, but these guys won’t let me kill him,” Cole added.

“He’s not a bad guy. You’re just dramatic,” Ethan muttered, backing away from the lines and handing Fox a rolled bill to snort with. “They’re friends. He keeps her mind off the shit we’re doing, so we should actually thank him instead of threatening his life constantly,Cole.” Ethan shot a pointed look at the blond madman.

“I didn’t try to kill him. I was just warning him to not fucking touch our girl,” Cole grumbled, frowning.

It seemed these horsemen had their hands full with their girl and her friend.

“This is Rosalie,” Enzo said, pulling up a photo of her on his phone. “In case shit ever goes down and you need to pick her out of a crowd to save her. Because we’d save your girl.”

Dom stared down at the picture while Fox bitched about snorting sugar. He did it anyway though and wiped his nose.

“Wow,” Dom murmured. “She’s really. . . she’s beautiful.”

“She’s everything to us,” Enzo said softly before moving to show me.

I examined the photo of a red-haired bombshell with waves past her shoulders. Her pink sundress gave off shy girl vibes. She was a stark contrast to the monsters in front of us. Dom was right though. Rosalie was breathtaking.

Enzo showed Levin and Fallon next before going to B and showing her. I watched as she stared at the image.

“She’s really beautiful,” she finally said. “She looks. . . sonice. Not like you assholes.”

Ethan chuckled. “She’s the sweetest girl. She’s quiet. But when she’s onstage, she is poetry in motion. Her voice is like an angel’s.”