I scoffed as I stared down at the vial. “How many different varieties of this do you have? And what do each do?” I tucked the vial back into its spot.

“I have several. That one is, like Cole said, great for things that require stamina. I think it could be a hit with athletes.”

“Your boy use it?” Levin asked.

Enzo chuckled. “No. Fox is pure talent. He doesn’t need enhancements. He refuses them. Cole’s tried it.”

“Fox has been strait-laced over shit. He doesn’t partake like we do. He’s hyper-focused on his career and Rosalie right now,” Cole added. “Drives us fucking nuts.”

“He’s here on a scholarship. He can’t risk it,” E added. “So we don’t push him.”

I nodded.

“So basically, I have the stamina rush. Another one is for focus. One for staying awake. One for sleeping. One that completely relaxes you. One that makes you feel… hollow. It’s my zombie sugar. It’s actually pretty dangerous to use. It makes your will leave you. Blocks memories and really fucks with your head. If you take it, someone could pry apart your head and get deep into it and seriously fuck you up. Make you think things that aren’t real.” He frowned as he said that. “I’m considering removing it from my lineup.” He glanced at Enzo, who shook his head before he continued and pointed to the last one. “And one that just makes you feel really fucking good.”

“That’s my favorite,” Cole said, pulling that vial out and handing it to me. “You can shoot up on it and just feel fucking amazing for hours. Like nothing matters. You’re just happy. They come in pill form too, as well as powder and smokeable. The pills last longest. You can get a good twelve hours off them. The injectable lasts how long, E?”

“About two hours,” he said. “Snorting it is a super rush that lasts about thirty minutes in waves. Smoking it gives you a good hour and a half.”

“Want to try it?” Enzo asked.

I glanced over to Levin, who raised a brow at me.

“You go first,” I said, handing the vial to Enzo.

He chuckled and gestured for E to hand him a needle. I watched as E popped out a new syringe from its wrapper and drew up a dose for Enzo. It wasn’t much.

“So the amount you give… longer high with larger dose?” I asked.

E nodded as he tied a band around Enzo’s bicep and thumped his vein. “Yeah. So what happens is the larger the dose, the longer the high. You can’t overdose on it, but it can make you a little nauseous at higher doses. Three units is a decent amount. That gets you just over two hours. I could probably fix the issue with the nausea, but again, I like having a built-in brake for people.”

I watched as he inserted the needle into Enzo’s arm and deployed the plunger, sending the amber liquid into Enzo’s vein.

Enzo breathed out, the rush hitting him rather fast.

“Shit’s good,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “Have some.”

Fuck it.I needed to know these products better if I was going to be pushing this shit. I rolled my sleeve up and held my arm out to E. He moved to sit beside me. He wrapped the elastic around my bicep and got a new needle and withdrew from the same vial he’d dosed Enzo with.

“So this is different from the shit we snorted?” I asked.

E nodded. “Slightly. The one we snorted runs its course faster. You probably noticed the high wearing off on the way home that night, especially since you only half-dosed.”

I nodded. I had, but it was still damn good.

E was thumping my vein when the front door open and slammed and a girl’s voice shouted, “No. I’m sick of it, Fox! I’m done dealing with this! I told you it wasn’t a big deal. That Anson was my partner in this.”

“And I told you no, Rosalie! Not alone with him. You know the damn rules.”

“Screw your rules!”

There was some slamming around outside the office and footsteps. Fox called out to Rosalie again.

E pushed the needle into my vein and set loose the drug just as a beautiful redhead burst into the room.

The first thing I noticed was the amount of red waves she had. The second thing I noticed was the look on her face as she took in what was happening. And the third thing…the fucking high that hit me so hard and fast I thought I was plummeting through para-fucking-dise.

“Enzo…” She stopped in her tracks, her green eyes wide as she took in me and Levin.