Enzo got to his feet immediately and approached her. “I’m in a meeting, Rosalie. You knock before you come into my office.”

“Why? So I don’t disrupt whatever the hell this is?” She gestured to us as Fox came into the room.

“I’m sorry, man,” he started.

“Just get her out of here,” Enzo said in a voice that saidor else.

Fox reached for her, but she dodged him and stalked toward us.

“Who are you?” she demanded.

I got to my feet, another wave hitting me. “Dominic De Santis. This is Levin Seeley.”

“A-are you drug dealers?”

“Not really,” I said.

My men were dealers. I was just the guy at the top.

“So you’re just sitting in here getting high?” She looked to E, her eyes wavering. “Are you high, Ethan?”

“No, sweetheart. I’m not,” he said gently. “I’m just working.”

Her bottom lip trembled. “You guys are-are the kings.”

“We are,” I said, surprised she knew who we were.

“I’ve seen you in the papers. Your father is a bad man,” she whispered. “You can’t be here. Enzo, you need to stop this shit—”

Cole was on his feet in moments and in her face. He wrapped his hand around her delicate throat and cocked his head at her.

The shift in her was immediate as she submitted to him.

“Rosebud, my love,” he cooed in a dangerous voice. “You’re getting yourself into a bit of trouble. You’re upset with Fox?”

She nodded wordlessly beneath his hold.

He loosened his grasp on her neck. “What did he do?”

“I was practicing with Anson for our project. Fox was angry because we were alone.”

Cole nodded. “I see. Well, we told you you’re not allowed to be alone with anyone except us. You agreed to that, didn’t you?”

She licked her lips and glanced to me. “I did. But it’s not working anymore. Everyone is so busy that I can’t schedule my practices to meet Anson’s schedule.”

Cole sighed. “Then I suppose we need to work on that, don’t we? What are you asking for?”

“For some space to do what I have to do,” she said.

“Denied, baby. Fox can practice with you for now. We’ll figure out something with Asshole Beyers later on, OK?”

Her jaw quivered. “I’m going back to practice with or without your permission.” She yanked away from his hold and looked at me. “I’m sorry for interrupting, Dominic. I didn’t realize my guys were in the middle of a drug deal with a dangerous mafia boss.”

She turned on her heel and marched from the room.

“Fucking take care of her,” Enzo snapped at Fox.

He said nothing. He simply left the room and closed the door behind him. We could still hear their voices in the distance as they shouted at one another.