She narrowed her eyes at him. “A girl doesn’t kiss and tell.”

“Nah, Stella is a giver. You sucked his dick, didn’t you?” Trent smirked at her.

Her cheeks flushed crimson.

“See? Told you. Whatever works, huh?” Trent chuckled.

Hail grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you? You do everything you’re told.”

“Yes,” she answered, visibly swallowing.

“How about you show us what a good job you did with Valentino tonight? Maybe you can make us talk too.” Hail unzipped his pants and nodded down to his crotch. “You give us a round and then we’ll start the party with the other girls I have in mind.”

She hesitated for all of moment, her eyes wavering as they locked on mine.

I knew this shit was going to happen. There was no way out for me either.

“I got some sugar. We’ll take a few hits. What do you say?” Drake asked, raising his brows at me.

“How do you get so much of it?” I asked as Stella went to her knees and pulled out Hail’s cock. I looked away as she licked the tip.

He shrugged. “I have my ways.”

Anyone with any sort of plug in this world could get choice drugs, so I didn’t think much of it. Instead, I held out my arm for him to inject me, hoping I didn’t see fucking spotted leopards this time around.

I grabbed the nearest bottle of whiskey and slammed down a good portion of it as Drake injected me. The rush hit me immediately, making me groan softly.

I couldn’t fucking do this shit anymore. I had to come clean. Bianca didn’t deserve all the pain and worry she was going through. The only way to save her of that was to just end it. At least until I could get back in with the kings. For now, I was just a lord and someone she worried about. I wasn’t a king. We both needed to accept that. I needed to be honest about it. No more fucking around.

It was over with Bianca. It had to be. I was done.

I wasn’t sure how long I was lost in my thoughts, but when I looked down, Stella was between my legs, my cock in her hand.

“I’m really sorry,” she whispered, genuinely looking it.

“Me too,” I slurred out before chugging down the rest of the alcohol I had.

She licked up my shaft before sucking me deep into her mouth. My body tensed at the foreign feeling. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but it wasn’t my princess, and for that, I closed my eyes and silently begged for forgiveness.

She’s not mine anymore. I’m done. I’m letting her go. . .

This night would only get worse before it got better.

But that was just the way our world was. What we ran from always had a way of catching up. I was no exception.

And I didn’t deserve a queen. Not when I was a fucking lord.

Maybe what I needed to be was a god.

But I’d be nothing without her.

And so…I became nothing as my dick got sucked. As I came. As I fucked.

I’m a lord.

I’m a fucking lord.

And this is what we do.