
I’d fucked up.

That didn’t make me any less angry that my wife had lied to me though.

I rubbed my eyes and sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the framed photo from our wedding. Bianca should be beside me. Instead, she was with Vincent and had been since our fight. She’d refused to see me the entire winter break.

I deserved it.

I could have handled shit differently. Seeing those pills after I was already pissed off just threw me for a loop. I’d trusted her. I’d gone as far as scheduling appointments with doctors for both of us because I was worried we were broken.

Well, now we really were.

I’d dumped her pills into the trash. I’d made Vincent and Levin swear she wouldn’t get anymore.

They’d exchanged looks but had agreed.

Not that it mattered. I doubted I’d be touching her anytime soon.

Levin said I’d fucked her up pretty good. Her throat still had my fingerprints bruised into her skin. And for days her eyes were bloodshot from the broken vessels from me nearly killing her.

The thought sickened me. Even days later.

I rushed to the bathroom and heaved my guts into the toilet. It was the way I’d been starting every morning. Throwing up over the ugly thoughts in my head about what I’d done to my wasp. My queen. My love.

Even the night of our fight, it had taken everything Levin had to calm me. When I realized what I’d done, I’d tried to go to her, but Levin shoved me back and told me to save her I had to let her go. For now. She needed space.

Fuck space.

I was going insane without her.

A fair punishment for my sins.

I sat up and wiped my mouth with a towel and fell to my ass on the bathroom floor. The last thing I wanted to do was go to classes, but eventually, I hauled myself up, showered, brushed my teeth and got ready.

Alone I walked to the indoor commons.

And my heart skipped.

She sat at the table with Vincent’s arm around her waist. He was trying to feed her. She shook her head at him, and he gave her a pouty lip to which she parted her lips and took the breakfast bar he offered. Levin sat on her other side, saying something to the pair. Something that Vincent laughed at. Bianca’s lips didn’t even twitch upward.

I walked forward and sat at the table across from them.

“Morning,” Vincent said, offering me a nod of his head.

“Morning,” I answered. I made to reach for Bianca’s hand, but she pulled it away from me and put it in her lap.

“Bianca, please,” I murmured. “Can we talk?”

I waited for an answer, and when I didn’t get one, I tried again. “Can you at least tell me where you got the pills?”

She glared at me. “Fuck you, Dominic.Igot the pills. Me. No one else. I did it because I wasn’t ready, and you kept pushing. And for that, you tried to kill me.” Her voice was raspy. It made my chest clench.

“I didn’t want to kill you. I just lost it.”

“And now you’ve lost me.” She got to her feet and stormed away.