Oh, fuck no. I didn’t lose shit, especially not my fucking wife.

I jumped up and followed her and caught her by the arm. She reached out and slapped me hard across the face. I ground my teeth as I stared down at her, aware there were people who could clearly see what was happening.

“I deserve that and more,” I said softly. “And I’ll let you punish me if that is what you want, wasp. But I ask that you listen to me. Please.”

She continued to glare up at me.

“I fucked up. I lost it. Seeing those pills was seeing your betrayal. My response wasn’t right, but I own it. I did it. But I’m not changing my mind on this. No pills. You’re my wife. I love you so much, Bianca. Why can’t you understand that everything I do has your name branded on it somehow? I want you safe. With my heir growing inside you, you’d be safe. I just know you would be.”

“You don’t know that, Dominic. What happens if you’re wrong? Then I die and so does our baby?” She seethed at me. “Are you really willing to risk two lives?”

“That’s not how it’ll be. I just want you to have a little faith in me. You never listen. I just need you to listen.”

“You took Fallon from me. You took my choice. You nearly took my life. What else do you want from me?”

“Your compliance,” I murmured. “Your love.”

“Fine.” Her blue eyes wavered as she stared up at me. They were still a little red. I could see the fading bruises on her neck from my fingers.

I hated myself.

I was a fucking monster.

“You win. I’m tired of fighting.” Resignation crossed her pretty face.

“It’s not about winning—”

“It is. It always is with you. Just… take your victory. I accept the loss of my freedom and my choices. You’re in charge. In fact, I’ve been off my pills since our fight. We can go back to your dorm and fuck if you want.”

“Stop it,” I said, frowning at her. “You know I don’t want it like that.”

“Sure seems that way.”

The warning bell rang.

“I don’t. I want you to want it too.”

She scoffed and looked away from me. I reached out and ran my knuckles along her jaw.

“I love you,mia regina.I will take care of you.”

“I-I want to stay with Vinny.”

I swallowed hard. “OK.”

“I need time. It’s hard to look at you right now. I’m just so angry.”

“I understand. You can stay with Vin. As long as he’s fine with it.” I hated I was agreeing to it, but I sensed how close she was to just walking out on me.

“I have conditions too though,” I continued delicately. “No pills. No shots. Nothing.”

She closed her eyes for a brief moment before she opened them again. “Fine. I already told you that you win.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“I don’t even want to think about it, Dominic. Let the bruises fade first before we start talking timeframes, OK?”

“Fine.” I was desperate to hold her. It took everything I had not to reach for her and gather her tiny, trembling body into my arms and beg her for forgiveness. I’d figure out another way to prove to her how much I loved her though and how sorry I was.