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I wailed.

I ground into that pillow as I broke for him, sobbing with pleasure and intense agony as I felt my body climb higher and higher with even more reluctan

t arousal. I cried harder as I approached the edge of my next orgasm and I met his eyes the moment I broke again.

Hot exquisite sensation blinded me, and I screamed hard as I came. My core tightened so hard at the same time that every nerve in my body crackled with desire. He captured me with his gaze, and I couldn’t tear myself away from him as I struggled to cope with the overwhelming burn that shattered me completely.

When my release finally faded, I shook hard as my tears poured down my face. He gathered me in his arms and pressed me over the bed. I couldn’t even move as he removed my tail. It hurt, but there was no fight left in me.

“You will wear your sleeping tail to bed, kitten,” he said softly. Warm metal pressed against the wetness of my pussy. He twirled it in my arousal, thoroughly coating it before he pressed the much smaller plug into my bottom hole. I was numb with sore achy pleasure as he tucked me into bed beside him. My body trembled and my legs couldn’t stop shaking. Tears continued to fall no matter how much I tried to stop them.

He turned me toward him and wrapped his arms around me. I clutched at him as if he was a lifeline. The sound of his heart was heavy in my ears and I soon learned to time my breath to its tune.

“You took that so well. I’m so proud of you, little kitten,” he murmured, and a blaze of warmth surrounded me like a welcome embrace. My naked breasts pressed against the softness of his shirt. I wanted to be even closer to him though and couldn’t help but wrap my legs around his waist so that I could press even more of my trembling body against him.

“Sir,” I murmured.

“Such a good little kitten,” he whispered.

I very nearly purred for him.

Chapter 12


The next morning, I awoke still in his arms. I was so comfortable I didn’t want to move. A gradual soreness ached through my limbs. It felt like he was watching me and when I finally convinced myself to open my eyes, I saw that I was right.

“I’m quite pleased with pink glow on your cheeks, kitten. It’s a sign that you were properly punished last night,” he murmured, and I could feel my flush deepen. My bottom ached and as I moved my legs against each other, I was keenly aware of how sore my pussy was too.

“I’m going to bathe you myself this morning, my little kitten,” he whispered, and I whimpered quietly. “Shhhh, it’s okay, sweet girl. I intend to be gentle.”

I curled even closer to him. When he unfurled himself from my arms, he gathered me in his and brought me to the master bathroom where he turned on the water. Carefully, he placed me down and removed my ears, collar, and had me bend over so that he could remove my sleeping tail. After he was done, he undressed and carried me into the shower with him. The warm spray was jarring at first and then I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt it rinse the ache away.

He washed me gently, taking care to gingerly bathe between my thighs and even spread my bottom so that he could carefully cleanse my sore hole. He massaged my sore limbs with strong fingers, and I moaned with pleasure at the soothing feelings coursing through me. His fingers worshiped every inch of my body, ensuring that he washed all the dried arousal off my thighs and the sweat that had dripped down my back at the exertion of riding the pillow for him last night.

He was so gentle that my heart pounded with love and not even a single fiber of me fought back against it. Instead, I welcomed it.

He finished cleansing my body and focused on my hair next. He shampooed and conditioned my long locks quite thoroughly, even brushing out the tangles with the deliciously scented oils still on my scalp. When he was finally done, he quickly washed himself, rinsed, and turned off the water. Then he wrapped me in a soft fluffy towel and dried me off.

He dressed himself and wrapped me in a soft silk robe. Finally, he clipped my collar back into place and I lovingly traced my fingers along it.

“Let’s get some breakfast, sweet girl, and we’ll talk over what we should do next,” he murmured.

“Yes, sir,” I whispered as a wistful smile curled up at the edges of my lips. We padded into the kitchen together where two bowls of hot oatmeal topped with berries were waiting for us. There was no one else there. He passed me some of the hot cereal and I dug in just as my stomach growled furiously with aching hunger. I took a bite, watching as he poured a cup of coffee and creamer for me and himself. He handed me that next.

I sipped at my coffee before taking another mouthful of the brown sugar oatmeal and warm berries. The more I drank, the more awake I felt. He passed me a glass of milk and I eyed it as well.

“I think we should lay low for a while, kitten,” he said.

For a moment, I was quiet.

“I need to perform,” I answered softly. “If I don’t, Atlantic Records won’t be able to watch my performances. They won’t sign me until they do. You can’t take this away from me. I’ve earned it.”

“You should know by now that if I want something done, I will see to it,” he answered.

“I want to earn it myself,” I scoffed.

“You’ll take what I give you and like it,” he said darkly, and I gazed back at him with frustration.