Page 51 of Pet

“I’m not the kind of girl that takes handouts,” I glared. I jerked my hand to the side, inadvertently knocking the full glass of milk he’d passed to me onto the floor. His gaze dropped, watching as the creamy liquid spread across the tile.

“What happened the last time you refused me, kitten?” he asked darkly.

I stilled, staring at the milk as if I could will it back into the glass and onto the table where it belonged.

“You punished me,” I whispered.

Quickly and efficiently, he stood up, grabbed a kitchen towel, and used it to wipe up the spilled milk. He used another damp towel to clean the tile off completely.

“Wait here, kitten. I will fetch your bad girl tail and then I’ll teach you a lesson with my belt,” he warned.

I keened.

“Please,” I begged.

He didn’t answer and left the room. I squirmed in my chair, feeling bare and far too exposed beneath the rose-colored robe that covered my skin. I knew that he wouldn’t let me keep it on. I waited anxiously, regretting my choice to refuse him pretty much immediately. When he returned, he carried my bad girl tail and a thick brown leather belt along with him. Nervously, I noted that he hadn’t brought the bottle of lube along with it. I chewed the inside of my cheek, watching as he approached me.

He pointed at the plush fabric bench next to the kitchen table.

“Take off your robe and lie down over there. I’m going to put your bad girl tail back in to punish that bare little bottom, but I’m not going to use your wetness or any lubricant to ease its passage. Do you know what I’m going to use, my naughty kitten?” he asked.

“No, sir,” I answered apprehensively. Tension rippled through every last inch of me.

“I’m going to lube the plug with ginger paste, naughty girl,” he answered.

I had no idea what that would do, but I had a feeling it was going to be terrible. He cleared his throat and I tentatively stood up, untying the waistband that held the robe shut. I shrugged it off my shoulders, whimpering quietly as I bared myself for him. He watched me the entire time, which made my pussy pulse with need and my bottom tighten with fearful anticipation. He pulled the bench out into the middle of the room and pointed once more. I lay down, knowing that I didn’t have a choice about what was to come next.

I heard him open the jar of ginger paste and his fingers were in between my legs before I had a chance to react. He spread the warm paste all over my pussy, before he pressed even more of it into my sore bottom hole. In silence, he moved quickly and efficiently. I didn’t look, but I knew he was covering the metal plug with it. When the tip of it pressed against my reluctant channel, I tensed, but the slickened surface pushed into me all the same.

I started to feel warm.

And then the plug’s entry started to hurt. No matter how many times he plugged me, my body

was never ready for it. A sense of panic raced through me and I tried to relax, but my muscles tensed around the metal all the same and only made it hurt that much more. I cried out and he very roughly pushed it all the way inside me.

The pain snapped through me like a rubber band. I keened as several harsh moments of agony rolled through me. My back arched and my shoulders rounded inward as I struggled to take it and when his fingers lovingly traced down my spine, I was finally able to get a hold of myself. I took one deep breath, followed by another, and the cruel ache eventually faded away. He clipped my tail to the bad girl plug and the fur brushed against the backs of my thighs.

The warmth across my sensitive flesh grew stronger. I squirmed just a little and what began as a gentle heat quickly escalated to something far greater. The slow simmer soon intensified to a scalding fire and I groaned as it continued even past that.

This was so much worse than a spanking. This pain was never-ending and felt so much deeper than anything else. It was even worse because I hadn’t seen it coming. I hadn’t known that ginger could be used to punish me like this.

I couldn’t make it stop. Nothing would make it stop.

“You’re starting to feel the effects of the ginger now, aren’t you, naughty girl?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” I wailed.

My pussy burned so hot. Every single nerve ending was boiling with heat, burning hotter and hotter until the searing heat made me want to cry. His hand steadied on my lower back and I realized that he held the belt in the other.

My belting began fast and hard. His fingers held me firmly against the bench. The belt whipped across my sore flesh, reigniting the deep ache his paddle had left behind the night before. All at once, my world became a fiery ball of intense sensation that wouldn’t end. The ginger paste worked its way deep into my skin, punishing me with its incredible heat at the same time the leather branded its way across my naked cheeks.

It was so intense that I couldn’t think.

I could only feel.

My entire focus descended to the terrible pain between my thighs and all over my bottom. He whipped the backs of my legs hard and I couldn’t help but writhe over the plush fabric as I tried to escape the overwhelming sting that was intensifying over my most sensitive places.

Just when I thought the blazing agony couldn’t get any hotter, it did. The consuming heat escalated with every last passing second until my thoughts were centered entirely on the massive plug in my bottom and the paste that he’d spread across my clit.