“We still have all day tomorrow,” she reminded me.

As much as I would love to convince her to play hooky today, too, spend as much time together as possible, I couldn’t. It was the grand opening of the new location of her bakery. She had to be there.

“And most of the day Monday,” she continued. “And don’t forget about tonight.” Her expression turned flirtatious as she waggled her brows.

“Yeah? Any ideas what you’d like to do tonight?” I traced a circle along her hip, addicted to her soft skin.

“I have a few.”

“Any you care to share? You know. Solely for educational purposes,” I teased with a smirk. “Make sure it’s something I’m interested in.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you’ll be interested.” Her eyes briefly dropped to my waist, my erection hard.

I leaned toward her, lips skimming hers, needing her once more before I was forced to go all day without her.

“Show me.”

Eyes dark with desire, she pushed me onto my back and straddled me. When her heat pulsed against me, my erection hardened even more. I gripped her hips, desperate to feel her. To lose myself in her. To fall into her.

Biting her lower lip, she wrapped her hand around my arousal, teasing and tempting. Then she lifted herself up before gradually lowering onto me.

“Goddamn,” I groaned at the sensation of her warmth, so addictive and inviting.

She moved slowly, sensually, her hair framing us, blocking out everything but us and this incredible feeling only she could give me.