
“And to what do we owe this unexpected surprise?” Eme remarked the instant I stepped into The Shack on Saturday morning to meet Nikko for breakfast.

“Aloha, Eme.” I smiled at the short, naturally tan woman as she approached. I bent, pressing my forehead to hers in greeting.

“You come see me when you first land on the island, then nothing for days,” she chided. “I thought you’d vanished and it would be another five years until I saw you again.”

I shrugged sheepishly, running my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. I’ve been…pre-occupied.”

“Is that what you kids call it now?” She nudged me with her elbow, winking slyly. “I heard Nikko say you met a girl. Is it true?”

“It’s nothing.” My smile wavered, words lacking any semblance of conviction.

This thing with Julia was supposed to be nothing. But what about now? Was it still nothing after spending a week together? Sharing our scars, our hopes, our fears?

More importantly, did I stillwant it to be nothing?

“If you say so, Lochie.”

“We’re just hanging out while she’s here. But this isn’t home for her. So—”

“The woman who owns The Mad Batter, right? Julia Prescott?”

I flung my wide eyes to hers, shocked she knew so much detail. “How—”

“I know everything going on with my kids.” She placed her hand on my arm, her gesture comforting and filled with all the love she’d shown me since the day I was born. “And you, my dear boy, are one of my kids. Which is why I want the same for you as I do the rest of my children. To see you happy. It’s what your mother would have wanted.”

I sighed. “I know. It’s just—”

My phone ringing pierced through the sound of easy conversation and forks scraping against plates as locals and tourists alike enjoyed Eme’s food. My stomach already growled from the myriad of incredible aromas surrounding me.

When I pulled my cell out of the pocket of my shorts and saw my agent’s name on the screen, a flicker of unease crossed my expression.

“It’s important, yes?” Eme asked.

“My agent.”

“Then answer. We’ll talk later. Want a loco moco?”

I smiled. “You know I do.”

“Good. I’ll make you one.”

“Thanks, Eme.”

“Anytime, Lochie.”

Giving my hand a gentle squeeze, she retreated, continuing through the restaurant, stopping by each table, talking to every person as if they were family, even if they were complete strangers.

Returning my attention to my phone, I hit the answer button as I slipped out onto the back deck. The sun warmed my face, only a few clouds in the brilliant, blue sky. Despite it only being a little after nine, the shoreline already teemed with beachgoers determined to enjoy everything Hawaii had to offer.

“Hey, Brett.”

“Good news, Lachlan!” he replied, exuding all the charm and charisma that convinced me to hire him as my agent. “Detective Walker is out of the hospital.”

I didn’t immediately respond, having momentarily forgotten what he was talking about. Truthfully, the events that led to me hopping on a flight to Hawaii hadn’t exactly been at the forefront of my mind lately. The only thing that had been on my mind these past few days had been Julia. Not her past. Not my past. Just us. Just now.

Like we promised.