I whirled around, meeting Nikko’s concerned gaze and forcing a smile. “Hey, cousin.”

Walking toward him, I grabbed the mug of coffee he held out and brought it to my lips. “Thanks, man.”

“What did your agent want?” he pressed as we made our way toward an empty table. He pulled out a chair, lowering his imposing frame into it, eyes focused on me.

“The cops aren’t filing charges,” I replied as I sank into the chair across from him. “And that detective doesn’t plan to sue me for damages, either. Probably because immediately after I was arrested, my agent made arrangements for me to cover all his medical bills.”

“That’s great.” He beamed a relieved smile. Then his expression fell when mine didn’t mirror his enthusiasm. He lifted a brow. “I assume there’s more?”

I slowly nodded as Eme approached, two plates in her hands. Nikko jumped to his feet, striding toward her and taking the dishes.

“Thanks, Eme.” Nikko pressed a kiss to his mother’s cheek.

It was remarkable to think Eme gave birth to him. She was on the shorter side, with a little “meat” on her bones, as she liked to say. But her sons were enormous, all four of them over six feet tall with strong physiques. Regardless that they towered over her, she was still their mother. Still commanded their respect and admiration.

“Of course, my boy.” She smiled and followed him to the table, assuming one of the empty chairs.

“So, what did your agent have to say?” she pressed before I had a chance to bite into her famous loco moco.

She even remembered the version I liked best — braised beef, instead of a hamburger patty, over white rice, smothered in gravy, a fried egg on top.

This most definitely was not part of my normal diet.

But since my hours on this island were now extremely limited, it was time to indulge in everything it had to offer.

I glanced across the table at Nikko, then Eme, figuring I may as well tell them both. Eme would find out anyway.

“Team management wants to meet with me to discuss my recent…actions.”

“You mean when you punched that lolo detective because he wouldn’t listen to you about Claire? If you ask me, he deserved what he got.”

“Luckily, the police aren’t going to file charges,” I assured her, then glanced at Nikko. “But management still wants to talk to me.” I paused. “Monday morning.”

He blinked, the fork holding a generous bite of loco moco stopping halfway to his mouth. “But that means…”

I nodded sadly. “I have to leave tomorrow morning.”

“Shit, bruh,” he exhaled, leaning back in his chair, his breakfast now forgotten. “What are you going to do?”

“You mean about the girl?” Eme interjected.

“Yeah,” I answered, not even trying to argue. “But there’s not much I can do. We made an agreement to spend one week together while we were both in Hawaii. Since I leave tomorrow—”

“Do you have feelings for her?” Eme pressed before I could finish.

A part of me cursed Nikko for Eme finding out I’d been spending time with Julia. Then again, I’d always respected her advice. When my mother died, I often looked to her for guidance and reassurance I was on the right path.

I considered my response. Did I have feelings for Julia? I should feel awkward having this conversation with Nikko and Eme, considering they were Piper’s family. I didn’t, though. Not when they were now the only ohana I had left.

“It’s…complicated,” I said, using the same argument I’d made to myself and others all week.

“Well, simplify it for me,” she instructed. “Take it down to the bare bones.”

“The bare bones?”

“Yeah. The crux of it. What’s stopping you from pursuing something with this girl?” She held up her hand when I opened my mouth to answer. “Other than some agreement to walk away, because that’s not a good enough reason. Not for me. Not when I know how much you’ll fight for something you truly want. So tell me what’s preventing you from fighting for this.”

I wasn't sure where to even begin, how much she knew. Then again, Nikko probably already told Eme everything we’d uncovered this week. How Caleb most likely hadn’t been responsible for attacking Piper. That her assailant was still out there, harming more women.