“A lot. We’re in two totally different places in our lives,” I began, knowing I was taking the easy way out. “She’s…a few years older.”

“So?” She shrugged nonchalantly. “Your father was fifteen years older than your mother,” she reminded me. “And they weren’t simply in two totally different places in their lives. They were from two vastly different cultures.” She hesitated, seeming to toil over her next words. “Did you know your grandparents didn’t speak to your mother for five years after she moved to Melbourne and married your dad?”

I stopped the fork just short of my mouth, jaw dropping. “No. I…” I shook my head, this revelation hitting me hard.

I always thought my mum had a great relationship with my grandparents. At least that was how it seemed. They were some of the most loving people I’d ever been around. As were my mum and dad.

“I had no idea. Why?”

“This was over thirty years ago now. And your grandparents, well… They were from a slightly older generation. Your grandfather thought it better Lena marry someone familiar with our traditions. He worried she’d forget where she came from.”

“But she never did,” I argued. “All throughout my childhood, even when we lived in Australia, she taught me her culture.”

Emereached across the table and placed her hand on mine. “I know that. It just took time for your grandfather to see it didn’t matter where she was or how far she traveled. These islands and her people were always in her blood. Always a part of her.

“You see, your parents’ relationship was complicated. There were a lot of reasons they could have walked away from each other. Settled for something easier. But that’s exactly what they would have been doing. Settling for something less than what they deserved, probably regretting it the rest of their lives. Instead, they took a risk and made it work.”

“How?” I asked, partly to learn about a side of my parents’ relationship they’d never shared with me.

Partly because it gave me a sliver of hope that maybe Julia and I could follow the same path. Could overcome the obstacles facing us.

She squeezed my hand. “You may think you’re from two different places. That you want two completely different things. Stop focusing on that. You need to find that place where you do connect. Where your lives do make sense together. That’s where you’ll find your strength. Where you’ll find the magic. Everything else is just noise.”