
I couldn’t get out of the car quickly enough, not even waiting for my driver to come around to open my door. All my obligations for the bakery were now officially behind me. For the next thirty-six hours, I could devote every second to Lachlan before I had to return to reality.

My heart squeezed at the notion that in just two days, I’d have to do precisely that. But I wasn’t going to think about that. Not when we still had a little more time together.

And I planned on making the most out of every second.

After thanking the driver, I hurried up the walkway, rummaging through my purse for my keys. Finally finding them, I looked up, momentarily surprised when I saw Lachlan sitting on the wicker chair by the front door, a suitcase by his side. Apparently he couldn’t wait to see me, either. And he’d brought his things so he didn’t have to go back to his place.

“You’re early.” I swayed my hips as I sauntered up, my pulse increasing as I took in his appearance. Black, button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up past his elbows. Khaki shorts. Flip-flops. And that sinful mouth turned up into a sly smile that had me remembering how much pleasure that mouth had given me.

“What can I say?” He stood. “The only thing I thought about all day was having yours lips on me again.” He pressed a hand to my back and dragged my body against his as his mouth brushed mine.

I moaned into his kiss, doing everything in my power to ignore the fact that our kisses were numbered. Now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. That wasn’t how I wanted to spend our final few days. Instead, I wanted to pretend we were a normal couple who didn’t have a time limit imposed on them.

A self-imposed time limit, but a time limit nonetheless.

Once he brought our kiss to an end, he took the keys from me and unlocked the door, helping steady me as I slipped off my shoes and left them in the basket in the foyer.

“Glass of wine?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder as I made my way into the kitchen.

“I’ll get it.”

Leaving his suitcase by the entryway, he walked toward the wine cabinet, carefully selecting a bottle. I leaned against the counter as I watched him. This entire scenario — walking through the door after a long day of work, picking out a wine, talking about what to have for dinner — was so domesticated. So…normal.

I liked it.

Wanted more of it.

But at what cost?

“Hope this is to your liking.” Lachlan handed me the glass of red wine.

“Seeing as I bought all the wine, I’m pretty sure it’ll pass muster.” I winked.

He smiled, raising his glass. “To jellyfish.”

My heart warmed at the memory of him making the same toast during our first date nearly a week ago. It felt like I was a completely different person back then.

I suppose I was. Lachlan changed me, encouraged me to take a chance. To put myself first.

For that, I’d always be grateful.

“I now have a renewed appreciation for those brainless bastards.” I repeated the words he’d said that night.

“As do I.” He clinked his glass against mine, eyes not straying from mine as we sipped on the robust red.

Then he lowered his glass and set it on the counter, clearing his throat. Instantly, I felt something shift. Like something was…off.

I couldn’t explain it, but the air in the room grew unsettled. It could have simply been because our time together would soon be over.

But it felt deeper than that.

“Actually, there’s another reason I decided to come by early.”

I straightened, placing my glass beside his. “What’s that?”

He gave me a half-hearted smile, as if trying to reassure me. But I couldn’t fight the feeling I wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.