I playfully shoved him, knowing he’d be okay. “You’re shameless.”

“Hey. Can’t blame a guy for trying. You did offer.”

“I offered ice. Not a massage.”

“In my experience, a massage is an essential part of any treatment plan.”

I eyed him for another moment. Then all the anxiety rolled off me in the form of laughter.

“This is not how I saw tonight going.”

“You and me both.”

“Maybe we should try again?” I met his gaze, a rush of excitement settling in my stomach as I admired his face.

He undoubtedly was handsome. Soulful, blue eyes. Proud nose, albeit a little crooked, which I hadn’t noticed before. Square jaw. He even trimmed his facial hair a bit, but I was happy to see he hadn’t shaved altogether. Nick always insisted on being clean-shaven. If I was to do this, I didn’t want anything that could possibly remind me of my ex.

“Unless you’ve changed your mind, that is. If the knee in the groin was too much, I understand.”

He narrowed his gaze in a reproachful look. “Are you breaching our contract?”

“Just giving you the option to void it if you’d like.”

He leaned toward me, pressing his lips against mine. “Trust me, beautiful. It’ll take a lot more than some rough play to chase me away.” He briefly nipped my bottom lip. “But I do like your idea of trying again from the beginning. Can we do another take?”

I beamed. “I’d like that.”

“Great.” As he stood, a flash of pain crossed his expression.

I shot to my feet, touching his arm. “Are you sure I didn’t break anything…important.”

He yanked my body against his, gently thrusting against me, his erection more than apparent. “It doesn’t feel broken to me. How about to you? Does it feel broken?” He circled his hips, the mere size of him causing my body to pulse with need.

“Not at all,” I exhaled, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as I savored the feeling of him. Then he stopped, releasing me. I snapped my gaze to his.

“Let’s try this again.” He discreetly adjusted himself in his jeans. “Go back to where you were standing. And when I walk up to you this time, try to avoid taking me out like it’s an MMA fight. Okay?”

I laughed. “Okay.”

He cupped my cheeks and pressed a kiss to my forehead. Then he headed back toward the front of the house.

“And Belle?”

I glanced over my shoulder, meeting his eyes.

“You have a beautiful laugh.” His voice was full of sincerity. “You should do it more often.”

I smiled slightly, his words hitting me hard. “I’m trying to.”

“Me, too.” He held my gaze for another beat before disappearing from view.