
I cameto a stop where the stone walkway forked, one direction heading to the illuminated front door, the other to the lanai. I had no intention of intruding when I arrived. But when I rang the bell, then knocked, to no avail, I decided to check the lanai, praying she hadn’t had a change of heart.

I didn’t think it possible to find Belle even more beautiful than I had during our first meeting. Or when I saw her at the restaurant. Or when I walked up to the house and overheard her true desires.

I was wrong.

Tonight, under the last remnants of lingering sunlight, she was absolutely radiant. Her skin glowed to the point that I couldn’t resist the temptation to touch her.

I didn’t expect to be met with an elbow to the stomach, open palm to the nose, and knee to the groin.

Growing up, I spent most of my summers here and often sparred with Nikko, who once had dreams of being an MMA fighter before following in his father’s footsteps. I knew how to avoid a hit. That didn’t diminish the initial shock of her attack, though. Not just because of the attack in general, but why she did it.

Normally, I would have considered it a typical reaction.

But there was nothing typical about the look of absolute terror in her eyes. It made me wonder what happened in her past to warrant such a reaction. I wanted to ask her.

I couldn’t, though.

It wasn’t part of our deal.

Smoothing a hand down my white, button-down shirt, I made my way back out to the lanai, more than eager to get tonight started. It didn’t matter I’d done this very thing mere minutes ago — walked these same steps, admired her beautiful silhouette as she gazed out at the ocean, deep in thought. The sight before me still stole my breath.

From the dress that accentuated every single one of her curves, to the slit running up her leg, to the heels I fantasized about digging into my flesh. This woman was the entire package. Not only was she stunningly beautiful, something I sensed she wasn’t told often enough, but she had this quiet determination that drove me wild. That made me want to spend every minute of my day with her.

At least for the next week.

With slow steps, I walked toward her, every inch I erased causing my pulse to increase, my breath to quicken. When I was only a whisper away, the breeze kicked up her scent — a mixture of vanilla and lavender.

I inhaled as I ran my hand down her arm. This time, she didn’t jump. Didn’t go rigid in fear. Didn’t attempt to disable me. Instead, she melted into me, welcoming and at ease. Once I reached her hand, I linked my fingers with hers and brought our joined hands to her stomach. Keeping her back to my front, I leaned down and feathered several light kisses across her shoulder blades and nape.

“This is much better,” I crooned.

“I think so, too.”

I caressed her torso, her body responding to me in a way I didn’t think possible for two strangers. But I sensed it from the first encounter. The chemistry. The hunger. The spark. When my thumb skimmed against the swell of her breasts, she released a tiny moan, the sound more than I could handle.

I reluctantly dropped my hold and spun her around to face me. “We should go before I can’t control myself any longer.” Lowering my mouth to hers, I nibbled on her bottom lip. “And if you keep making those tiny little moans, I won’t be able to.”

“Or we can just go to my bedroom now.” She gave me a coy smile. “You won’t hear any complaints from me.”

“As tempting as that sounds, and believe me…” I pinched her chin between my forefinger and thumb, tilting her head back, “I would love nothing more than to finally explore every inch of your body, that’s not what tonight’s about.”

“I thought I’d made it quite clear this was only about sex.”

“Yes, you have.” I brushed my thumb along her bottom lip. A visible shiver rolled through her. “But, in my opinion, sex isn’t just about intercourse. The act of seduction is just as important. If not more so.”

I erased what little space remained between us, but shifted at the last minute, lowering my lips to her neck. I didn’t touch her, though, staying a breath away. But the way the vein in her neck throbbed, I imagined she was on the brink of losing control. Her chest heaved, bringing attention to her incredible cleavage, especially in this dress. What I wouldn’t give to rip it off her. But there would be plenty of time for that later. I’d make sure of it.

I skated my teeth against her skin, then repeated the motion with my tongue.

“Without seducing you,” I continued, “and I mean properly seducing both your body and mind, our time together won’t be as amazing as it could be.” I pulled back, cupping her cheeks. “If we only have one week together, I can’t have that. I need to make sure every single second is incredible. Need to make sure I give you everything you deserve. So that’s what tonight will be. One long act of seduction until we’re both on the verge of losing all control.”

I threaded my fingers into her hair, forcing her head back, the line of her neck elongated. “That’s what I want to do with you. I want to lose all control.”

I captured her mouth in a punishing kiss, my tongue swiping against hers, taking everything she had to offer as I kept her body held tightly against mine, not allowing her any chance to escape. But the way she returned my kiss and dug her nails into my scalp made it evident she had no intention of escaping.

When I tore away from her, she struggled to steady her breathing. I loved that I had the same effect on her as she had on me. Then she smiled shyly, smoothing her hands down my chest.

“Well then…” She hoisted herself onto her toes. Her breath tickled my neck, causing the hairs on my nape to stand on end. “Let the seduction begin.”

“Oh, beautiful… It already has.”