“What the actual fuck was that?” I ask the second my front door closes, leaving me with the guys while the girls steal Jodie from me.

“Don’t look at us, man,” Seb says, holding his hands up in defeat as Alex and Nico battle to the death in the new zombie game they downloaded a few minutes ago. “It was all Stella’s doing. She thought that Jodie might need a breather from you or something.”

“Charming,” I mutter.

“How’s she doing?” Theo asks.

“Overwhelmed, I think. All of this, Friday night, me… it’s a lot to process.”

“Motherfucker. Bro, that was fucking brutal,” Nico barks, throwing his controller down on the sofa cushion where it bounces onto the floor.

“Stop being a fucking pussy,” Seb snaps, swiping up the controller and setting up another game against Alex.

“So is it finally time to put that cunt in our basement into the ground or what?”

My head snaps to the side at his words, but all he does is shrug and take a pull on the beer someone apparently brought with them.

“What? It’s long fucking overdue, if you ask me.”

“Not sure I ever remember asking you,” I spit.

“He’s got a point though, bro,” Theo adds. “You’ve got a good thing going with Jodie. Don’t you think it’s time to finally cut ties and move on?”

“I will. I just… he’s her dad, man. I hate him more than anything, I want him as fucking worm food more than you can imagine. But there’s no way in hell that I deserve a second chance with her. If I put a bullet through his skull, she’ll never forgive me.”

“Have you asked her?” Seb pipes up. “Now she knows the truth, she might feel differently about daddy dearest.”

“I’ve told her that I won’t do anything until she says so.”

“Bro, you’re giving this chick too much power,” Nico scoffs.

My eyes collide with Seb’s and then Theo’s amused ones.

“She has all the motherfucking power, arsehole. Tell him,” I say, pointing from my two whipped friends to my stupid one. “I’m going for a shower.”

“Good call. You smell like pussy, man,” Alex pipes up, proving that he was actually listening while whipping Seb’s arse. Something tells me that he’s practised this game prior to downloading it here. Competitive cunt.

“Careful, bro. You sound awfully jealous about that fact. You spent the night with your hands all over a controller, didn’t you?” I taunt.

“Fuck you. I’ll beat your arse when you come back smelling like a man again.”

“Pretty sure I smell perfectly manly right now after a night of fucking my girl senseless.”

“Cunt,” Alex mutters.

“Aw, bro. One day you’ll find a woman who doesn’t run at the first sight of your tiny cock,” Nico teases.

“It’s not small and you fucking know it. I vividly remember you telling me just how tight I made that filthy blonde we pulled a few weeks ago when I slid right into her arse while her cunt was full of you.”

“Okay,” I say, throwing my arms up. “I don’t need that fucking visual in my head."

“Nah, man. You’re just jealous I wasn’t out tag teaming with you,” Nico says with a shit-eating grin.

“You spoken to Brianna recently, Nic?” I ask, knowing for a fact that she’s ignored the couple of messages he’s sent her.

“Sorry, who?” he asks, his brows drawing together as he tries to play it off.