“You’re a fucking idiot.”

“Oooh, Brianna,” Alex sings. “Sounds exotic. She single, yeah?”

“Fuck you. You couldn’t handle her even on your best day.”

“I’ll be fucking sure to give it a good try though.”

I can’t help but laugh as Nico’s jaw pops in frustration.

“I’ll give you her number,” I offer sweetly, digging the knife in a little deeper.

“Don’t you fucking—”

“Nico, man. You’re looking really fucking whipped by this mystery girl right now,” Theo says with a smirk.

“Nah, she’s just got a fucking fantastic pussy, that’s all.”

“Ah,” Seb pipes up. “I didn’t think you were that fussy.”

“Fuck you.” Nico throws a punch into Seb’s shoulder which ends up with Seb forgetting about the game he was in the middle of as the two of them tumble to the floor.

“Animals,” I mutter lightly as I take off toward my bathroom, leaving the two of them grunting and groaning as they fight and Theo and Alex offering words of encouragement.

Grabbing my phone that I find half kicked under the bed, I wake it up to find a whole string of messages from both Stella and Mum. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised after I took off yesterday.

Opening Stella’s conversation, I quickly read through her messages checking in on me and making sure that I’m treating Jodie properly before shooting her a quick message in return.

Toby: You’d better look after my girl.

Toby: I haven’t told her about Joker. I wanted to talk to you first.

I knew it was wrong of me not to tell her exactly who ended her brother’s life yesterday when I was explaining everything, but that’s not just my story to tell. If Stella envisages a future friendship with Jodie, then I think it’s important that she’s involved in revealing that truth.

Next, I find Mum’s contact and hit call.

“Thank God you’re okay.”

“I’m sorry I worried you, Mum,” I say, falling back on my bed and breathing in the scent Jodie left behind on my sheets.

“I always worry, you’re my baby. How is everything now?”

“It’s… good,” I say, unable to fight my smile. “Things are good.”

“You and Jodie work things out?”

“We’ve started to, yeah. Things are so complicated.”

Mum laughs down the line, the sound making everything suddenly seem so much more possible.

“You’ve certainly not gone for easy with your choice here.”

“When have we ever gone for the easy option?” I ask, thinking of everything our lives have consisted of so far.

“I really like her, Toby.”

All the air rushes out of my lungs at Mum’s words. I had no idea that I needed her approval with my relationship with Jodie, but knowing I have it, I realise what a weight was pressing down on my shoulders.

“Is it not really weird knowing who her father is?” I ask with a wince.