Both Dad and Cruz took me out on the backs of their bikes while we were in the Cotswolds, and while the views as they explored the countryside were great, I was gagging to be the one sitting at the front.

“It’s still a bit icy out, you’re going to need to be careful,” he says, putting a spark plug back in.

“I’ve got it, old man.”

“You got your phone?”

I shake my head at him. “Stop worrying. I’m going to be fine. But I’ve got the burner.”

Although Seb did manage to slip out unnoticed that night, the next morning, I told my dad everything about his visit, including the burner phone that he delivered, allowing me to have a connection to both him and Stella.

Dad was shocked, rightly so, but he looked pleased to know I had people watching my back.

Dad and Cruz have been mostly tight-lipped about what they’ve been doing when they’ve been back here over the past few days. But Dad’s assured me that the Wolves are not an issue, and that if I hear anything from my grandfather, I’m to tell him immediately.

Honestly, I’m kind of shocked that he’s still alive, although I haven’t asked for any details on that front. I figure I’d rather not know. It’s going to happen, and I trust Dad and Cruz to decide how and when.

I figure I’m better focusing on my life and the things I can do something about. Club politics is not one of them, and nor do I want it to be.

Throwing my leg over my bike, I take my helmet from Dad’s hands when he passes it to me and pull it down on my head.

“See you later, old man.”

“Be good. I’m still tidying up your last mess.”

“You love it,” I tease. “Laters.”

Kicking the starter, I fly out of our shed—well, as much as I can fly on this thing. I might love her and the freedom she gives me, but man, am I counting the days until I’m eighteen and can upgrade to something a little more powerful.

With a quick wave over my shoulder because I know he’s watching, I disappear down the back alley and out onto the main road.

I only have one place that I need to go. Other than that, I just want to ride.

I scan the car park outside Mickey’s before I commit to turning in. If there are any cars I recognise, even if it’s Seb’s, then I’ll abandon this trip and come back later.

I might not have an issue seeing the guys, but there’s always the risk that he’ll be with them. And I’m just not ready for that yet. Maybe not ever.

If I could run and start over, I’d give it some serious thought. But while I might have had a conversation with Dad and Piper a few days ago about my return to Knight’s Ridge and if there was anything I could do to avoid it, it doesn’t seem that I’m going to get away with it.

I’m going to need to pull up my big girl knickers in a few days and face him, but I’m happy to put it off for as long as possible.

Confident that none of them are here, I pull in and park right out the front next to a bike I do recognise.

“Shorty,” booms across the gym the second I step inside, and after two seconds, a sweaty, shirtless Xander comes bounding over.

He opens his arms as if he’s going to hug me and I panic.

“Don’t you dare. I don’t want boy sweat all over me.”

“Naw, I bet that’s not really true,” he winks and I roll my eyes.

“Friend-zoned, remember?” I say, pointing at myself.

“I missed you, Shorty.”

“It’s been like, four days since you were at the house.”

“I know. Can’t blame me for worrying about you. All that shit was crazy.”