“Is crazy,” I point out. “I’m still in the middle of it.”

Suddenly, the piece of jewellery that’s still hanging around my neck feels heavy, and my fingers twitch to reach for it.

“I know, shit. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, I know you’re just worried.”

“No one’s seen Prez for days.”

“I don’t want to know, X,” I mutter, walking farther into the gym, looking for the person I actually came here to see.

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop, X. Stop trying so hard and just be… I don’t know. Normal?” I suggest.

“Y-yeah. Sure.”

I spot Mickey on the other side of the gym and head over.

Cruz promised me he’d already spoken to Mickey and that he was fine with me starting a week later than we’d first agreed, but letting him handle my business doesn’t really sit well with me.

“Ah, the wanderer returns,” he says, turning his back on the guy he was barking orders at.

“I’m so sorry, Mickey. Life got kinda crazy.”

“When isn't it?”

“I wish I knew.” I can barely remember a time when things were stable. When my life didn’t feel like a fucking sitcom, or worse, a soap opera.

“Next week, yeah?”

“Yes. I can’t wait.”

“There are a couple of shirts for you behind the desk,” he says, turning back to his fighter.

“Sweet, thank you.”

“Do me a favour?” Mickey asks before I get to walk away.

“Sure. Anything.”

“Go knock that one on his arse. He’s been like a bear with a sore head all week.”

I glance at Xander just in time to watch his chin drop.

“I didn’t bring a change of clothes,” I say, although I instantly regret it. “Going a few rounds with Xander sounds like exactly what I need right now.”

“Go grab something from the shop. I’ll take it out of your first pay cheque, or Xander’s next winnings.”

“Y-yeah, okay,” I say in a rush, now desperate to get into the ring.

* * *

“Is it safe to come in?” Xander calls from the doorway.

“Yeah,” I shout with a laugh as I twist my hair into a braid that rests over one shoulder, allowing me to put my helmet on when I leave.

My body aches in the most delicious way after being in the ring with Xander. I feel more like myself than I have in weeks.