“Em, no,” I sigh, silently begging her not to close down on me now.

“Yes, Theo. I didn’t ask for you to be here. I didn’t ask for you to jerk off over me last night. And as appreciative as I am for the release, I didn’t ask for that, either.”

I can’t help but smirk. “Oh, I think you—”

“Really?” she asks, her brows lifting.“Get out of my fucking room. Then, at the first possible chance, get out of my life.”

“Not gonna happen, Hellcat. I own, you remember?”

“Right now, maybe. But when I get out of here, and I will, my first stop is going to be a lawyer, and I’ll get myself out of this and away from you.”

I hold her stare, desperate to see the lies within her dark depths, but there are none.

“Tell me what you know about your mum,” I demand.

“Seriously?” she hisses, pressing harder against my chest until I have no choice but to roll off her and allow her to escape from beneath me. “Have you listened to nothing I’ve said to you these past few weeks?” She pulls my shirt down, covering her beautiful body. “I had no idea what my mum was doing with your prick of a father. I’m not involved. Jesus, Theo. You’re like a broken record. Whatever it is you think I’ve done, I haven’t.” She throws her hands up in frustration and storms into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.“You’d better be fucking gone by the time I get out.”

With a sigh, I let my head drop back to the bed.

So much for helping to relax her.

I give myself ten seconds before I roll off her bed and leave her alone.

This would all be so much easier if I could let her go.

But I can’t. Not yet.

My phone’s ringing on my bedside table when I get back to my bedroom.

My stomach drops to my feet when I see Dad’s name staring back at me.

Great. I’m sure he has good news.

“Dad,” I say the second it’s at my ear.

“Son, how’s your wife?”

I can barely contain my groan of frustration.

“As can be expected. Did you need something?”

“Promised your mother I’d check in about tomorrow night.”

My fist curls at my side as I think of what tomorrow night is going to hold. Or at least what he expects.

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

“It’s not a suggestion, Theo. You’re required to be there. Both of you are. I want to spend some time with your little lady myself.”

Blowing out a long, calming breath, I give him the words he wants to hear.

“Sure. We’ll be there. Just don’t be surprised if she raises hell.”

“Wouldn’t expect anything less.”