I stand with my back against the door until I’m confident he’s actually left. Then, and only then, do I release the breath that’s caught in my lungs and allow myself to attempt to process what the hell I just let happen.

I shouldn’t have submitted and allowed him to touch me.

Because now… all I can think about is doing it again.

Damn it, going cold turkey with our last time close together being inside that cell with Mum bleeding out only feet from us was unbearable.

The drugs they pumped me with made my memories fuzzy. Made me convince myself that it wasn’t so intoxicating.

But now, with his touch fresh in my mind, I’m already craving more like a fucking junkie.

“Fuck,” I bark, regret flooding me.

Ripping his shirt from my body, I throw it into the corner of the room as if it’s personally offended me before turning the shower on as hot as it’ll go, hoping the scorching water will wash away all my regrets and bad decisions.

* * *

I don’t feel all that much better almost two hours later when I finally emerge from my bedroom. The bottle of water I had on the side didn’t really cut it when my body craved caffeine almost as much as it wanted Theo’s cock.

When I emerge from the hallway, I find Theo sitting at his breakfast bar, tapping away at his laptop. He doesn’t even look up despite the fact that I know he’s aware of my presence.

I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t that he would do as I asked and leave me the hell alone.

Grabbing a mug out of the cupboard, I place it under the fancy-arse coffee machine and study the buttons and knobs.

I have no fucking idea how to make the thing work.

The entire left side of my body begins to tingle when he turns his stare on me.

“Need some help?” he asks, amusement filling his tone.

“No,” I snap. “I can do it.”

I push a few more buttons before my short temper gets the better of me.

“Didn’t really want a fucking coffee anyway,” I mutter, aware that I’m sulking like a child. “What the—”

Strong arms appear around my sides as a hot and hard chest presses against my back.

“Press this one,” he says, damn near growling in my ear.

I watch his hand as he sets about getting the machine ready.

“Then this one.”

Immediately, it comes to life and liquid gold begins pouring into my mug, the rich scent hitting my nose—thankfully lessening the effect Theo is having on me, although it only makes my mouth water more.

“See, it’s not so hard.” As he says that final word, his very hard length brushes against my arse.

“Nice try. I’m not thankful enough for the coffee to do anything with that.”

He grunts some kind of reply, and after brushing his fingers teasingly along my side, he steps back, allowing me to take my mug and rest my arse back against the counter as I lift it to my lips, closing my eyes to savour the scent.

When I open them once more, I find him watching me with intense eyes. My stomach knots with a mixture of anxiety and desire.

“I’m going to see Mum again,” I tell him, more than ready for him to refuse. But he decides that today is the day to give me whiplash.