“You got it, boss,” Xander salutes, teasing Link.

“Emmie,” Theo booms. “One last chance to open this goddamn door, babe.”

“Babe?” Xander mouths at me in amusement.

“Get your shoes. Let’s go. Now.”

I hesitate before running back into the room I spent the night in, terrified that the second I step inside, he’ll come crashing through the door.

Pulling up my big girl knickers, I rush through, shove my feet into the boots Cruz bought for me, and run back to where Link is waiting by the open window in their room.

“Out you go, Shorty.”

“Ugh, don’t start,” I mutter, throwing my leg over the window sill. But much like the nickname suggests, I’m way too short to reach the fire escape that’s right beside the window. So Link has to help, to stop me from plummeting to my death.

Fucking good job I’m not scared of heights.