I can’t help smiling like an idiot as Link and I stumble into his house a little over thirty minutes later.

He called Cruz on the way to keep him informed about what’s happening.

It’s fair to say that my uncle was not impressed that our secret little hideout had been compromised. Well, that’s what I took from the string of expletives that fell from his lips when Link updated him.

“What the hell is amusing you so much?” Link asks, kicking off his boots and hanging his cut on a hook by his front door.

“That was kinda fun.”

“Oh yeah, you’re definitely a Ramsey.”

His words cut off some of my amusement.

Yeah, I might be a Ramsey, but that’s only half of it.

“You know,” he says as I follow him through his flat to the kitchen. “You remind me a lot of your dad when he was your age.”

“Link,” I complain. “Give me some credit, I’m a hell of a lot better looking than him,” I joke.

“You got me there, Shorty. Coffee?”

“Hell yes.” He grabs a pod and gets the machine going.

“Follow me, a minute, I need to check something.”

He walks down a short hall that I assume leads to his bedroom.

“Uh… is this a good idea?”

“Your uncle and father, and probably your husband, for that matter, would castrate me if I went anywhere near you. I value my balls too much for that shit.”

“Nice,” I say, rolling my eyes. “And what happened to not mentioning his name ever again?” I ask, referring to the conversation we had on the way over here when he started questioning me about how the hell Theo discovered where we were so quickly.

How the hell was I meant to know?

I knew he’d tracked my phone and my bike. That’s how he found me on holiday and that night at the compound.

But today is beyond me.

Link disappears into a room, and I do a double-take when I come to a stop in the doorway, because this is definitely not a bedroom.

“Holy shit, Link. This is insane,” I confess, looking around at the mass of computer screens and tech shit that I can’t even begin to guess.

I knew Link was called that for a reason, and not just because he looked like a computer nerd. I know he’s got mad skills. But this… This is the shit of a serious hacker, or at least I assume it is, because quite honestly, I have no fucking clue about computers.

“What the hell is that?” I ask when he pulls a black wand thing from a drawer. “And where the hell are you going to stick it?”

“Yeah, your father’s daughter, through and through,” he mutters to himself. “Come and stand here.”

I raise a brow at him but do as I’m told. Anyone my dad and Cruz trust, I do too.

He lifts the thing behind me, and I wait for something to happen.

“It’s a scanner,” he tells me. “I’m looking for—”

The thing starts beeping like crazy when he gets to the top of my neck.