“Your father is going to kill you, Emmie.”

“With all due respect, Titch, you have no idea what you’re talking about or what my life is like.”

“Don’t I?” he asks, pushing to the edge of the chair.

“I know what I’m doing, I promise.”

“You’re in the middle of a fucking MC and the mafia, Em. I’m sorry, but there’s no way in hell you know what you’re doing right now.”

“Maybe not. But it’s my life. My mistakes to make, don’t you think?”

“If he hurts you—”

“He won’t,” I say with a confidence I certainly don’t feel.

“I want to trust you, Emmie. You’re a smart young woman, but if you end up hurt then—”

“It won’t be your fault, Titch. It will be mine.”

He nods, reaching back to rub at his neck as a conflicted expression passes across his face.

“Let me help you.”

“H-help me?” I ask, my brows pulling together.

“Yeah. Let me train you, show you how to defend yourself should the worst—”

“I’ve already got it covered. Xander’s been training me,” I say, knowing full well that Titch knows who he is. He fought him, beat him, a few months ago.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Em.”

I scoot closer to where he’s sitting, holding his eyes.

“I appreciate your concern, Titch. And I know how badly you want to go to my dad with this, but please… I’m just… I’m just trying to find who I am, where I come from. I’m just trying to understand the part of my life that he kept from me. I’m not joining the MC. I’m not going to become one of their club whores. I’m just… learning about that side of my life. Surely you can understand that.”

His jaw tics as he stares back at me.

“You’re playing with some very dangerous people, Emmie.”

“I’m being protected by some very dangerous people,” I say, spinning his words on their head. “No one will touch me. I’m a Ramsey,” I state proudly.

“Fuck. Your dad is going to kill both of us.”

I smile at him. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“If anyone gives you any shit, if you need anything… If that little punk needs his arse kicking, you call me, yes?”

“Of course.”

“And when your old man finds out about this, you keep my fucking name out of it.”

“Sure thing.”

He pushes to stand, nodding at me, although I can tell by the hard set of his face that he isn’t happy with any of this.

“I understand needing to find yourself, Emmie. I do. But if I hear you’re in any kind of trouble, I’ll stand right beside your dad and do whatever is necessary to make sure you’re safe.”

He’s at the door, his fingers wrapped around the handle when I find some words.