“Who are you really worried about here? Theo and the Cirillos, or Pops and the club?”

“Your father.”

And with that, he’s gone.

“Fuck,” I breathe, falling back on the bed with dread churning in my stomach.

If Titch walks straight out there and tells Dad, I’m fucked. He’ll never let me out of the house again and will probably board up my bedroom window.

* * *

The rest of our holiday was nice—well, as long as I forget about the concerned glances Titch shot me anytime we were in the same room. We chilled out, ate, drank, argued over board games… Pretty much like any usual family. Only the men in my life are full of swear words and covered in tattoos. Hell, so are most of the women.

I was on edge almost the whole time. Every time Dad spoke to me or Piper asked me a question, I was waiting for them to demand answers about what I’ve been up to recently.

But as the hours went on, I started to realise that Titch kept his word. For now, at least.

It wasn’t until we were packing up the cars to leave Friday morning that either of us brought it up again.

“Thank you,” I said when we found ourselves alone at the boot of his car.

“I remember what it was like, being your age and trying to find your place in life. Just don’t make me regret trusting you.”

“I won’t,” I promised, hoping like hell it was one I could keep.

He gave me a sad, concerned smile and left it there.

I was grateful. My head was already messed up after a night of barely any sleep. Between worrying about what he was going to do with my secret and my lack of a night-time visitor, I found myself tossing and turning almost until the sun came up.

I never responded to Theo’s message, and he never sent another—something I’m not all that happy about, but I guess I can hardly complain.

The movement of the car eventually lulls me to sleep on the way back to the city, and when I open my eyes, I find we’re slowing down in front of Dad’s house.

“Home sweet home,” he says, smiling at his new bride.

“You two are so happy it’s sickening.”

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing you’re not going to have to put up with us for a few days then, huh?” Dad says with a wicked glint in his eye as he practically eye fucks Piper.

If I weren’t so happy for them, I might just puke all over the back seat of his car.

Excitement zaps through me as I think about Dad’s wedding/Christmas present from Piper. New Year in Las Vegas. It doesn’t get much better than that. Plus, I get the house to myself.

They’re heading inside to repack and then heading straight to a hotel tonight ready for a flight first thing in the morning. After being surrounded by them for the past few days, I can’t wait for the quiet, even if it means spending New Year without either of my parents. At least I’ll have my friends. Hopefully.

Dad’s already warned me about throwing a raging party, but seriously, the kids I go to school with all live in penthouses and mansions—why the hell would anyone want to party here?

“Peace and quiet,” I sigh. “Can’t wait.”

Dad’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror as he pulls the handbrake.

“I’ll be good, I promise.”

“I know,” he says, a softness in his voice that’s not usually there. “I’m proud of you, you know that, right?”

I smile back as my stomach knots. “Thanks, Dad.”