Istare down at the unread message I sent Emmie this afternoon, reminding her that she’s busy tonight and spelling out exactly where I wanted her when I finished my shift at the casino.

The time between Christmas and New Year is always insanely busy at the hotel, and other than spending Christmas with my parents and my nights with Emmie, I’ve been here.

I’m wiped. But not enough to go home alone and actually sleep.

I can’t. Not without her.

I didn’t mean to crash with her on Wednesday night, but lying there with her in my arms relaxed me more than I thought possible, and when her breathing was shallow and her body melted against my side, I was powerless but to close my eyes and drift off with her.

It was a risk. One that I’ve been paying for every second since. But I can’t regret it.

I achieved what I needed to. I’m showing her that she can trust me, and that’s the only way I’m going to get to the bottom of what’s going on with her mother.

My gut tells me that she’s got nothing to do with whatever shit Cora’s pulled with Dad, but I know I’d be naïve to allow her pretty face, sinful curves and sweet cunt to sway my opinions.

I need to think with my head, not my cock.

It’s what Dad expects of me.

“So,” the man himself says. “How’s it going with your little lady?” It’s unusual for Dad to be on the floor, but he makes an exception during this time of year, more than willing to stand beside his most loyal associates and put some of his own money down on the tables.

“It’s… uh…”

He raises a brow at me.

“Did she have a good holiday?”

I turn to look at him, my brows narrowing in suspicion.

“What? Don’t forget who taught you all you know, boy.”

“You’ve been watching me.” The accusation tastes bitter on my tongue. I thought he trusted me. Clearly, I was wrong.

“Just keeping an eye on my asset.”

“Emmie’s not yours,” I spit, a little too harshly.

His brows lift in shock at the tone of my voice.

“No,” he agrees, his voice chilling but his face as neutral as ever, “she’s yours. I’m glad you’re keeping a tight lead on her.”

“Whatever this shit is with her mother, Emmie’s not involved.”

“Know that for a fact, do you?”

My lips part, but I’m too slow to respond. He’s already heard my answer loud and clear.

“You’re no use to me or this Family if you don’t use your head, soldier.”

My teeth grind and my jaw pops in frustration.

“Get me facts. Give me something concrete that she wasn’t involved, and I’ll let it go.”

“Want to give me some more information?” I hiss, frustrated as fuck that he’s thrown me into this bullshit with the bare minimum.

He nods at someone across the room, but I don’t look to see who he’s greeting. I’m too invested in what he might be about to say next.