He nods. “I was, yes. It was a great night before… well… you ruined it.”

My brows rise in shock.

“Oh, right. Well, yes, I guess I did help to put a dampener on things. I’m not sure it’s entirely my fault though.”

“Hmm…” he mumbles, clearly not agreeing with me. “Forgive me, Estella—” I bite the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from demanding he calls me Stella. I might not be a fan of my full name, but this cunt has no right to call me by the same name as my friends, as people I actually like. “But before you arrived, none of our events have ended in gunfire and with our soldiers in the hospital.”

“With all due respect, Jonas, you’re part of a criminal organization. I’d put money on that not being true.”

A weird noise rumbles up his throat while Toby’s hand squeezes mine, amusement and pride flashing in his eyes. Although, the underlying fear never seems to leave.

“I’ll leave you to catch up. I’m sure you’ve got loads to talk about.”

Bending over, I kiss Toby on the cheek. “I’ll send one of the guys down.”

There’s a part of me that wants to make a massive pain in the ass of myself and stay, but I’m not sure I can be in a room with that man any longer, knowing what I know.

It’s not until I slip out of the room and suck in a huge gulp of air that I realize that I wasn’t actually breathing.

Shaking off the revulsion from having to look that motherfucker in the eyes, I make my way back down to Seb.

“What’s wrong?” he asks the second I walk in. Both Theo and Alex jump to their feet immediately.

“Uh… what makes you think something is wrong?” I ask, not sure if I’m horrified or impressed with how quickly he can read me.

“You’re as white as a sheet.”

“I’m okay. I just had the pleasure of meeting Jonas.”

“He’s here?” Alex asks, looking shocked.

Seb and I share a look. As far as I know, it’s only the two of us who are aware of how bad the situation is with Toby’s family.


“That fucker never turns up when Toby needs him. He’s up to something.”

He’s gone from the room before I can even get a word out.

“Come here, baby,” Seb says, holding his hand out for me.

It’s not until I move toward him that I notice he’s dressed. “Going somewhere?”

“Yeah, home with my girl.”

My stomach flutters at his words, and my lips twitch in a smile.

“At least he’s out of action for a while. I might get some peace,” Theo mutters, but we both ignore him.

“Are you sure you’re okay to leave?”

“Princess,” Seb warns. “You discharged yourself after being stabbed and got on a long-haul flight. I’ve got a clean bullet wound—”

“And ripped stitches,” I add, just to make a point about his stubborn streak.

“And ripped stitches,” he repeats. “And I’m just going home to be looked after by my private nurse.”

“I see. And what are you expecting this nurse to do for you exactly?”