“And that’s my cue to leave,” Theo says, pushing from the chair and walking toward the door.“I’ll be waiting in the car.”

Seb doesn’t even look up as his friend leaves.

“So I was thinking,” he says, walking his fingers up my thigh. “If I ordered you one of those little nurse uniforms, you could—”

“Nice try, asshole.”

“I saved your life, baby. A little appreciation would go a long way right now.”

A laugh rips from my throat. “Yeah, sure, big guy.” I pat him on the chest—the non-injured side—but before I manage to pull it away, he captures my wrist and brings my palm to his mouth.

“You need me, baby,” he growls, his eyes holding mine as his lips and then his tongue brush over my skin.

My stomach clenches as heat blooms between my legs.

Damn him.

“Almost as badly as I need you.”

“Seb.” It’s meant to come out as a warning, but it’s nothing more than a breathy moan.

“If I didn’t think that Janice was due back any minute with my meds then I might suggest you do something about this.” He pushes my hand lower until I have no choice but to wrap my fingers around his hardness.

“Sebastian.” This time there’s a little more strength to his name.

“It’s been days, baby. I’m dying over here.”

Rolling my eyes at him, I jump up and drag my hand away just in time for Janice to join us.

She takes one look at our guilty faces and shakes her head, amusement playing on her lips.

“Ready to get out of my hair, young man?” she asks Seb, keeping her knowing eyes on his.

I don’t know what his issue is with her—she’s always been lovely to me. But then I didn’t like Seb when I first got to know him either, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. He can be an arrogant prick when he wants to be. And I can only imagine what a pain in the ass he was when I forced him to live in the hallway.

Regret floods me for how I treated him during my hospital stay, but then I remember all the things he did to me and it starts to ebb away a little.

Yeah, we’re pretty much as bad as each other.

“I’ve got your pain relief, which you will take,” she states, pinning him with a knowing look.

“Yes ma’am,” he responds sarcastically

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he takes them,” I tell her.

“Good. Listen to her, Sebastian. She’s got a good head on her shoulders.”

“She’s got a lot of good things on her body, Janice.”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, grabbing some of his things that are still littered around the room and stuffing them into his bag.

“You’re a brave woman, you know that?” she asks me, passing me the bag from the pharmacy.

“Brave or stupid. Jury’s still out.”

She chuckles as she heads for the door.

“Your paperwork is all good, young man. You’re free to leave. And,” she adds before she disappears around the corner, “I’ll be happy to never see you two in one of my beds again.” She pins us with a stern look before leaving us alone again.

“Like I’d willingly be back,” Seb mutters as he drags himself from the bed.

“You love her really.”

“Hmm. Come on, girlfriend. Let’s go home.”

“Sounds good to me.”

I might not have had much choice about spending the first night here, but there was no way I was leaving while he was admitted, no matter how much everyone insisted I do. I guess I was just lucky that he didn’t give me a taste of my own medicine and leave me to sleep on the chairs out in the hall.