
“Thought you were waiting in the car?” I ask when Theo emerges from Toby’s room.

“I was, but Jonas left as I was heading out.”

“Wow, he really put the effort in there,” Stella mutters beside me.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, not liking the darkness in my best friend’s eyes.

“Y-yeah. Come on, let’s get you home.”

When I glance through the window to Toby’s room, I find Alex still sitting beside him, but Toby is out cold.

We need to have a conversation about what went down on Sunday night, but now isn’t the time.

“Yeah,” I agree, taking a step forward as Stella wraps her arm around my waist as if she’s going to be able to stop me from falling should my legs decide to give out.

It’s amusing, but I don’t deter her. Any excuse for her to touch me.

Theo is silent the whole way home, and it doesn’t help settle the dread that’s sitting heavy in my stomach.

The second we pull up outside the coach house, Stella pushes the door open and hops out, ready to help me.

“Bro, what’s going on?” I ask quickly, in case he doesn’t want to say whatever’s nagging at him in front of Stella.

His eyes find mine in the mirror.


I know he’s lying, but the second Stella opens my door, he climbs out and disappears inside the house before us.

“What’s got his panties in a bunch?”

“Fuck knows. But it looks like you’re going to have to carry me up the stairs yourself, Princess.”

She looks me up and down once I’m standing before her.

“Yeah, that’s not happening,” she scoffs. “I’m sure you’ve got this covered.”

Theo’s already disappeared into the room by the time we both get upstairs. Following his lead, we do the same. And we don’t emerge until Stella slips out to grab our takeout and to get drinks.

* * *

Ismile as I listen to Stella laughing in the living room with Calli and Emmie. They turned up a little over an hour ago to rescue her from my grumpy arse—their words, not mine.

As much as I might want to lock her in here with me to ensure she’s safe, and of course to look after me, I know I can’t.

She hasn’t even suggested leaving the house, which makes me happy, but I know I’m on borrowed time. She might seem a little more concerned after the events of Sunday night, but she’s never going to be the kind of person to shy away from danger. I know she wants to catch this fucker as much as we do. I just fear she’s going to do something stupid to make it happen.

The door opens and I look toward it excitedly, hoping to see her white-blonde hair poke inside. Only, I quickly realise I’m not that lucky.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I ask Theo as he closes the door behind him.

When he turns to me, I see the same dark and tormented look in his eyes as on the way home from the hospital yesterday.

He slumps into my chair after dumping the abandoned clothes on the floor.