She sidesteps us as Ram speaks once more.

“Wait, who was his father?”

“No one you need to be worrying about,” Stella answers, continuing toward the door. “You guys coming or what?” she snaps when she gets there.

She yanks it open and disappears outside with her head held high and a confident sway to her hips.

It’s such a fucking turn on.

With one more look between Ram and Cruz, I spin around and follow her. Daemon and Theo follow a few seconds later.

The moment I catch up with her, I grab her around the throat and pin her back against Daemon’s car.

“That,” I growl, “was fucking insane.”

Her pulse thunders against my fingers as she holds my eyes.

We hadn’t agreed how we were going to play that. Well, not entirely. But that, my girl handing the Reapers their arses on a platter quite so spectacularly, wasn’t what we’d talked about.

“Nice work, Princess. I’m impressed,” Daemon says, stopping beside us.

My eyes widen. No one ever impresses that cunt.

“But if you get any kind of bodily fluids in my car, it’ll be your last fucking kill,” he warns us.

He pulls the driver’s door open and is about to drop inside when Theo speaks.

“You guys go without me. I’ve got something to finish up here.”

We all turn to him.

“You need backup?”

“Nah. I think Stella made our point pretty well. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

Daemon nods, clearly happy that he’s not about to walk back into a trap after that.

“Come on then. I’ve got something I want to show you, anyway,” I tell Stella, opening the door and gently pressing my hand to her lower back.

“Princess sits in the front,” Daemon barks.


“She’s in the front, or I’ll leave you both here too.”

“Fine,” I concede, not wanting to be left.

Walking her around the car, I pull that door open for her instead.

“I can do this myself, you know. I thought I just proved that I can handle myself.”

“Oh baby, you more than did. I’m so fucking horny right now.”

Grabbing her hand, I press it against my painful dick. I can’t fight the growl when she squeezes.

Her tongue sneaks out and wets her lips, my eyes following the trail.

One side of her mouth curls up in a smile as her eyes drop to mine.

“For fuck’s sake, come on. I’ve got shit to be doing,” Daemon barks from inside the car.

“You’d better hope that whatever you’ve got to show me is good.” Stella shoots me a seductive wink before dropping into the car.