
The second my ass hits the chair, a violent shudder rips through me. Curling my fingers, I tuck my fists into my body in an attempt to hide my reaction to what I just did.

I blow out a long, slow breath and fight to calm my racing heart.

“Shock is pretty normal,” Daemon tells me before Seb has a chance to join us. “Just ride it out, you’ll be okay.”

I turn to look at him, surprised by his understanding. I know he’s not a complete cold-hearted monster, but I still wasn’t expecting that from him.

“I’m good,” I lie quietly.

I didn’t walk in there with the intention of just stepping up and blowing Joker’s brains out. I thought Theo, or Seb even, would lose their shit and just take over. I wasn’t expecting them to allow me to take charge and deliver the revenge that fuck needed for everything he’s put us all through. I just hope that Toby is getting the vengeance he needs with his cunt of a father on the other side of town.

“You need to get laid, you know that, bro?” Seb hisses as he joins us.

Daemon rolls his eyes and presses his foot to the gas, quickly getting us away from the Reapers’ compound.

“Still the same place?” he asks Seb cryptically.

“Yep,” Seb confirms but doesn’t elaborate.

I glance back at him over my shoulder, happy to focus on whatever he’s hiding instead of the reality of what we’re leaving behind, but the smug fuck just smiles innocently at me.

“What’s Theo doing?” I ask, needing to keep talking. I have no idea what’s going to happen when I allow myself to actually process the fact that I killed someone tonight, and I’d rather not find out while sitting in Daemon’s car.

“No fucking clue. Boss probably set him up to debrief with Ram or something.”

“Won’t he retaliate? We—I—just shot one of his members.”

“One of his members who broke one of Ram’s rules,” Seb points out.

“He’ll just be pissed he didn't get to pull the trigger himself. Ram doesn’t take well to disobedience. And,” Daemon continues, “as you probably just saw, the whole club knows who’s really in charge. Ram will need to grovel if he doesn’t want any more repercussions from this.”

“Can’t imagine Joker stood a lot of chance against Jonas,” I mutter.

“No. But he also didn’t need to go against his prez.”

“Does he have any other kids we should know about?”

Daemon chuckles. “We’re looking into it.”

“I hope that they make it hurt, whatever they’ve got planned for him,” Seb says, sitting forward and wrapping his hand around my waist.

“I can almost guarantee it.”

“You’re heading to where they’re taking him next, huh?”I ask Daemon.

“I wouldn’t miss out on that kind of fun.”

“Don’t you want to be a part of that?” I ask Seb, genuinely curious.

“I’ve got something much better in mind.”

Only a few minutes later, Daemon pulls his car to a stop on the side of the road.

I look out, seeing nothing that grabs my attention. It’s just a street with stores and apartment buildings deep within the Cirillo territory.