“What’s this?” I ask as Seb pushes the door open behind me and climbs out.

“Have a fun night.” Daemon winks at me as the door beside me opens and Seb reaches in.

“You too. Make him scream.” Daemon chuckles at my words before I’m hauled from the seat.

Seb takes my hand and drags me onto the sidewalk before pressing me up against the wall of the building.

“Can’t fucking wait any longer,” he groans, once again wrapping his fingers around my throat, tilting my chin up a little so he can crash his lips down on mine.

I barely get a chance to register his move before his tongue is pushing past my lips and his hand is snaking up my thigh, wrapping my leg around his waist and allowing him to grind himself against me.

“You’re fucking incredible,” he groans as he kisses down my throat.

“S-Seb, we’re… fuck,” I hiss when his length grazes my clit just so that it makes me lose my train of thought.

Thankfully, or maybe not, some douchebag across the street wolf whistles. I can only assume it’s for our benefit, but it’s enough to remind me that we’re currently out in public.

“Seb, we need to stop,” I say, finally finding my brain. My hands stop on his chest to push him back.

“Why? I have no problem showing the world who you belong to, Hellion. You know that every guy who’d see us would be crazy jealous of me.”

My pussy clenches at the thought of him taking me somewhere so public.

He fucking knows it too, because his smile turns wicked.

“You’d fucking let me, wouldn’t you, Hellion?” he growls, sliding his hand down my leg until his fingertips brush the soaked lace of my panties.

His fingers tighten around my throat, enough that stars begin to flicker in my vision.

“You’re a dirty fucking whore, Hellion,” he says, holding my eyes as he rubs my clit. “And you’re my whole fucking world.”

I don’t realize we’ve moved until warmth hits me, and when I pull back from Seb’s lips and open my eyes, I find that we’re inside and standing in front of an elevator.

“W-where are we?” I ask, my voice rough with desire.

“Your surprise, Hellion.”

The doors part, and after Seb taps something against the control panel, we start rising through the building.

“Have I told you yet how fucking incredible you look tonight?” he growls, taking a step toward me as his eyes eat me up.

I move back, teasing him, but my back soon hits the wall, stopping my retreat.

“Once or twice,” I quip.

“Not enough, then.”

He drags his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes raking over every inch of me and setting my skin on fire.

He isn’t even touching me and I’m standing here with weak knees, damn near panting for him.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Hellion. And not just on the outside.”

He closes the space between us, his hand wrapping around the side of my neck.

“You saved me, baby. You know that?”

I shake my head. “You didn’t need me, Seb.”