“I’m not wearing any underwear.”

“Mate, we’ve seen your cock way more than I’m sure is healthy,” Alex points out, making me more than a little curious about the shit the five of them have gotten up to in the past. But then I think about Nico’s party—and I guess I have my answer.

“Go on.” I nudge him gently, more than happy to be on the guys’s side.

“For fuck’s sake,” he grumbles, shoving his sweats down once more and cupping his dick as he exposes his inner thigh for his friends.

“Fucking hell, I thought she was joking,” Alex barks, clapping his hands in amusement.

“Nope,” Seb says, almost smugly, as he covers himself back up again. “She owns my arse. Don’t care who knows it.”

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he pulls me close and drops a kiss to my head as Nico starts gagging.

“Fucking weirdo,” he mutters, clearly having never met a woman who’s really given him a run for his money and kept him on his toes. It’ll happen one day, and it’ll be amusing as fuck, I’m sure.

“Where the fuck is Theo?” Alex asks, dragging a joint from his wallet and putting it between his lips.

Seb sniggers beside me, I assume thinking the exact same thing I am.

“In his room. I’m guessing that since his music isn’t up loud he’s getting off to my girl screaming my name.”

“Fucking hell,” I mutter. I might have been thinking it, but it didn’t need saying out loud. “I’m gonna go and clean up.”

Dropping a kiss to Seb’s lips, I slip from his hold, grab my discarded panties and head down the hallway.

“Have you two seen Toby today?” I ask before I turn into our room.

“Yeah,” Nico says. “He’s good. Just bored.” I nod, glad that he hasn’t been alone, and slip into the bedroom, but not before Nico continues. “Should be out in a few days. Not that he’s looking forward to that much, either.”

“He can come here,” Seb offers, happily giving away another of Theo’s beds.

“And listen to you two fucking every ten minutes? Pretty sure he’d rather take his chances with his cunt of a father,” Alex blurts out.

As I head for the bathroom, Seb’s cell lights up on the dresser, and I can’t help but laugh when I glance down at it and see the preview.

Theo: I fucking hate you.

* * *

“Are you really sure you want to do this?” Seb asks for the millionth time since we woke up.

We’ve barely moved since I opened my eyes and found him watching me sleep. It seems to be his new hobby, and I’m not sure if I love it or am completely freaked out by it.

“Yes,” I assure him, tilting my head to look at him.

Reaching up, I run my fingers over his brow, trying to smooth the creases of worry away.

“It’s going to be fine.”

“I appreciate your positivity, but there’s a very slim chance of that being the case.”

“Your sisters are awesome, Seb. And I can’t wait to meet Phoebe.”

A smile curls at his lips at the mention of his niece.

It didn’t take me long to figure out who the two beautiful dark-haired women were who turned up in my hospital room on Monday morning. They both shared the same mysterious eyes as the guy next to me.

Both of them were practically tripping over themselves with excitement to meet me, despite the reason both of us were lying in hospital beds.