I knew they were going to be awesome just from the fond way Seb talks about them, but nothing could have prepared me for just how lovely, supportive and protective they were of their little brother.

It warmed my heart to see the depth of their love for him, even in the short time we spent together. After all the loss he’s suffered, and the ongoing pain with their mother… I couldn’t help but love them both instantly.

And thankfully, they seemed to approve of me as well.

I’ve never met a guy’s family before. Hell, I’ve never had a serious boyfriend. The day I called Seb that to freak him out, it hit me just as hard.

Moving in with him should have been the big step, but everything about that felt right. But giving him that title? It felt so official. So real. But so right at the same time.

“I want you to meet her too, but—” Seb says, dragging me from my thoughts.

“I know, Seb. But I’d never judge you, her, any of you because of how she’s dealt—how she’s dealing—with all this. I want to be a part of your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, if that’s what you want too.”

“It is. I’ve just never…”

“Trust me,” I urge, staring up into his dark eyes. “Nothing will scare me off now. I’ve seen most of the bad already.”

“Only most?”

A smile curls at my lips. “I’m sure there’s plenty of other shit that you’ve done that you haven’t told me about yet. Like, how many people you’ve killed and how you did it.”

He chuckles lightly but isn’t forthcoming with the answers I’m digging for. If he thinks a high body count is going to turn me off him, he clearly doesn’t know me very well.

“Today isn’t the day, baby,” he breathes, dipping down and brushing his lips across mine in the most teasing, gentle kiss.

“You can’t distract me with sex, Sebastian,” I chastise, although as I say the words, my body automatically leans into his, molding into his side.

“Oh yeah? Would you want to bet on that?” He chuckles as he nuzzles my neck, causing goose bumps to erupt across my entire body.

“You’re a bad influence,” I breathe as he rolls me onto my back and stares down into my eyes.

“I do try. Now stop distracting me, I’m hungry.” He winks before descending my body and making me groan.

My laughter is cut off when he pushes my legs wide and buries his face between them.

* * *

By the time we arrive—late—at Seb’s family home, my legs are like jelly, and I swear I could nap for the rest of the day.

His hand squeezes mine as we step up to the front door. I don’t need to look at him to know he’s nervous.

“It’s okay, Seb. You don’t need to—”

“About freaking time,” Zoe announces, swinging the door open wide and smiling right at me. “He actually brought you.” She pulls me in for a hug as if we’re long lost friends, and I startle at her friendliness. I’m not used to such obvious shows of affection, especially with someone I’ve just met.

“Come on, dinner is nearly ready.”

“Yorkshires?” Seb asks as we step inside and kick our shoes off.

“You have no faith, Bro,” Zoe says happily.

“There’s a reason,” Seb mutters.

I look between the two of them with a smile on my face. I love their banter, but even more, I love the look of pure adoration in both of their eyes as they give each other grief. It’s such a relief to see that Seb does have this kind of love in his life, even if his parental situation is beyond fucked up.

The house is nice. It’s smaller than Dad’s, and certainly smaller than the two Cirillo estate houses, but it’s still impressive. And I’m sure with a little TLC it could be an incredible home once again, but as it is, it’s totally tired. I understand why; I can’t imagine keeping up with maintenance on this place has exactly been top of everyone’s priority list.

“Brace yourself,” Seb whispers before we walk through to the kitchen.