“Look who finally graced us with his presence,” Zoe announces, ensuring that all sets of eyes turn our way.

“Stella,” Sophia breathes, putting down the oven gloves in her hand and coming over to hug me too.

“Hey, it’s so good to see you again.”

The second she releases me, her hands grip my upper arms, holding me in place as she studies me. My cheeks burn, knowing that she’ll probably recognize the concealer on my neck that’s doing a not-so-great job of hiding the marks Seb left behind on my body this morning.

“Sebastian,” she growls, confirming my suspicions, “you’re meant to be resting.”

“Don’t worry, Sis. Stella kept me on bed rest,” he quips, walking over to the oven and shocking the fuck out of me when he starts checking on things.

“Does he always do that?” I ask, watching him with amusement as he pulls the milk from the fridge and sets it down by a jug and some eggs.

“Just wait,” Sophia mutters, “you’re probably about to learn something new about your boy.”

I’m too enthralled watching Seb beat some batter that I don’t even notice the dark-haired girl toddling her way over to us.


“Come here, baby girl. You need to meet Uncle Sebby’s girlfriend.”

Hearing someone else call me that fills my belly with butterflies.

Ripping my eyes away from Seb once more I glance back down at his niece.

“Hey, gorgeous girl,” I coo at her, and she gives me a wide, toothy smile, immediately holding her arms out for me.

Sophia laughs at her daughter, who’s wiggling in her arms to get free.

“I think she likes you. Seems like Seb’s not the only one under your spell.”

As I take Phoebe from Sophia’s arms, I hear Seb mutter, “I knew this was a bad idea.”

“Ignore your grumpy uncle,” I say to Phoebe in a baby voice. “He’s just angry that he’s outnumbered by all these awesome women.”

“Awesome?” Seb scoffs.

“You know she’s talking sense, little brother,” Zoe says, slapping him across the head with a spatula.

Pulling out one of the chairs around the table, I sit down with Phoebe still in my arms.

“Where’s Mum?” Seb asks hesitantly.

“Putting her face on,” Sophia says, pulling the oven open to check on what’s inside.

Giving them some privacy, I look back down at Phoebe and start talking nonsense to her as the others continue to move around the kitchen like a well-oiled machine, chatting away and catching up with each other.

It’s only a few minutes later that my skin prickles with awareness, and when I look up I find him resting his ass back on the counter, watching me with something like awe in his eyes.

‘Hey,’ I mouth, smiling at him.

“Hey.” He smirks, his teeth biting into his bottom lip seductively. It’s totally inappropriate for our current company, but I can’t stop the ache of need—despite the number of orgasms he’s already given me this morning—tugging at my lower stomach.

“You two need to stop eye fu—” Zoe’s words falter when her older sister cuts her a scathing look. “Screwing each other.”

“We making you uncomfortable, Zo?” Seb asks with a wicked glint in his eye as he pushes from the counter. “Maybe you should be less weird. Some guy might be interested then.”

I’m just about to chastise him for winding up his sister, but I don’t get a chance because he’s already closed the space between us. Holding my chin in a tight grip, he slams his lips down on mine in a bruising kiss.