“Seriously?” Zoe mutters.

He doesn’t pull back until I’m breathless and squirming in my seat. It’s completely inappropriate while I have a toddler in my lap, but I can’t really find it in myself to care. Especially when I look down and see that Phoebe is staring up at us with the widest goofy grin on her face.

“I think she approves of you, Hellion.”

“I think she’s utterly besotted by you,” I point out as she stares at him like he literally just hung the moon for her.

“Well, yeah. That’s because I’m f—” Another growl rips through the air. “Freaking awesome,” Seb finishes, pinning his sister with a death stare. “Come here, beautiful girl.”

“No, you shouldn’t—” Seb ignores my argument as he plucks Phoebe from my arms and sits with her in the chair beside me.

Her infectious giggles fill the kitchen as he tickles her. Both of them have wide smiles on their faces, and it completely melts my heart.

Feeling eyes on me, I look up to find Sophia and Zoe watching us with a similar soft look on their faces.

Until footsteps sound out from somewhere beyond the kitchen and everyone visibly tenses.

“It’ll be okay,” I whisper to Seb, reaching over to squeeze his hand.