“Uh… no. I actually had no idea he could cook.”

“Sebastian,” Mum chastises. “You need to cook for your girl. Look after her. Keep her happy.”

“Too busy keeping her alive right now,” I mutter, much to Sophia and Zoe’s amusement and horror.

“I’ll make sure he does. We’ve been kinda busy.”

“So I see,” Mum mutters, staring at Stella’s neck before turning back to me. “I’m starting to wonder if you’re secretly a vampire, my dear.”

I snort a laugh. She has no idea how close to the truth she is.

“Dinner’s ready,” I announce happily, hoping to put an end to that line of conversation. The less my mum and sisters know about how Stella and I like to get our kicks, the better.

“I’m excited. It’s my first proper English roast dinner.”

Mum gives me a scathing look, but there’s no malice behind it, just teasing.

“I promise I’ll cook for her soon. We can send Theo out, he needs some fun.”

“You know you’re both always welcome here,” Mum says, making my insides twist with guilt.

“I know, Mum,” I say, placing down a steaming bowl of potatoes as Sophia brings her golden roast chicken over.

A loud bang from out in the hallway startles all of us. Stella’s eyes go wide as she jumps up, her hand going for the gun I know she’s got tucked into the back of her jeans almost as quickly as I go for mine.

It might be overkill for dinner with my family, but I’m taking no fucking chances.

Loud footsteps head our way as all the air seems to get sucked out of the room.

But the second a person emerges, I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Stand down, Sebby,” Jason says, marching in and going straight for my sister.


“You made it,’ Sophia gushes as Phoebe babbles at the sight of her daddy.

“Sure did. And I found this stray loitering in the driveway. You weren’t going to feed him, were you?” Jason asks as Carl joins us.

“He’s meant to be security,” I point out.

“Come on, bro. We’ve got enough firepower in here to overpower any motherf—” My sister growls and all of us laugh. She’s really fighting a losing battle here. “Flicker, motherflicker,” Jason points out, much to our amusement. “Just let the man eat, yeah?”

“Sure,” I concede, pointing to a free chair. “Because that’s any better. I’ll grab you a plate.”

“Appreciate it, man,” he says, looking more grateful than I was expecting. Maybe it was a little mean, expecting him to stay outside on his own.

Jason and Carl are practically bouncing in their seats waiting to dish up when I get back.

“Ladies first,” Sophia says, chastising the guys.

In only a few seconds, everyone—or the ladies at least—dive in.

I sit back watching as Stella fills her plate, her eyes wide as she focuses on the food. We didn’t eat before coming here—well… I did, but not actual food—so I know she’s got to be as hungry as me.

As if she can sense my attention, she lifts her head before she takes her first mouthful, her eyes finding mine immediately.

The smile that lights up her face melts my heart.