Seeing her here, having her in the middle of my fucked-up family… it makes my heart ache in the most incredible way.

‘I love you,’ I mouth across the table, making her smile widen before she returns the sentiment.

Running my eyes over everyone, contentment settles within me.

Mum even looks happy as she eats, and for the first time in… forever, I wonder if there really is a chance of her turning things around. If Stella’s presence might have some weird healing powers for her, just like she did for me.

Easy conversation rumbles around the table, and Carl joins in as if he’s always been here. I’m not overly happy about him getting too close and witnessing Mum if she has a meltdown, but as it is, she looks like she’s holding it together. She’s not even drinking. No one is, actually.

It’s not until dessert is served that everything goes to shit.

A loud alarm blares from outside somewhere, and Stella immediately jumps up, clearly recognising the sound.

“My car,” she blurts out in a panic, racing toward the front of the house.

Jason, Carl, and I are right on her tail.

“Stella, wait, it could be a… trap,” I say, knowing it’s too late because she’s already standing in the middle of the driveway, screaming in frustration.

“You motherfucker,” she wails, spinning around on the spot as if she’s going to find the culprit.

It’s pointless. I think we all know that he’s already long gone.

“Fuck. This is my fault. I shouldn’t—”

“You weren’t to know,” I say to Jason, although I have to force the words out through clenched teeth, because he’s usually fucking smarter than this.

I guess it was naïve of all of us not to expect that something would happen here.

Stella silently fumes as she stares at her baby’s slashed tires and shattered window.

Stepping up to her, I place my hand on her lower back.

“That sick fuck is watching us. Following us,” she seethes.

“I know. Told you I should have driven.”

She sucks in a breath, ready to snap, but the second she looks into my eyes, all the fight leaves her.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight.

“Why? It’s not your fault.”

“I haven’t caught him yet,” I mutter, unable to stop the feeling of failure washing through me. I should be protecting her, yet he just keeps getting in hit after hit, and none of us see it coming.

“This isn’t on you, Seb. We’ll find him together. Kill him together.”

A groan rumbles in my throat at the image her words drag up.

“Now that’s something I can get on board with.”

Tucking my fingers under her chin, I brush my lips against hers for the briefest moment, more than aware that my entire family is watching us right now.

“Do you think Theo will let me drive his Ferrari while it’s getting fixed?” Stella asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Shaking my head, I laugh at her. “Nice try, baby.”

She shrugs, looking back over at her beloved Porsche once more.