There’s a good chance that Toby is probably egging her on after the shit I’ve put her through. Can’t really argue with that opinion either. I’d like to think that maybe Theo is ready to take her to the ground to put a stop to this.

Her eyes narrow on mine, and I can almost hear her thoughts racing around her head.

“Calli,” she says, her voice soft as if she isn’t threatening my life right now. “Get my cell from my pocket. I’m gonna need this on camera.”

“I’m not filming you killing him.”

“Who said anything about killing him?”

“Y-you’ve got a gun to his head, Stel,” Calli whispers, her lack of experience in these kinds of situations shining through. Maybe Stella had a point in bringing her out here for a little training.

“Have I pulled the trigger?” Stella asks, her voice still unwavering. Her confidence is a real fucking turn on, and I can’t help but reach down and rearrange myself.

Someone scoffs in amusement, and my smirk widens. “Twisted fucking bastard,” Theo mutters.

I shrug.

“So what’s it gonna be, Princess? You gonna spill my blood here or what?”

“Calli,” she snaps as her friend fumbles with her phone.

Finally, Calli lifts the phone, training the camera on me.

“Smile, baby,” Stella purrs.

Shaking my head at her, I can’t help but do as she says, because fuck if I haven’t just fallen even fucking harder for her.

I blow her a kiss and her face hardens with anger.

“Apologize,” she demands.

My brothers’ laughter fills the air around us.

It’s not lost on me that they could get me out of this situation in a heartbeat, but the motherfuckers are enjoying themselves too much to even attempt it.

“For what? Making you see stars all weekend?”

“No,” she hisses. “You know exactly what for.”

Images of our time together flicker through my mind, none of which help the situation happening south of my waistband.

Her in the graveyard, both times. Nico’s basement, her home gym, her bedroom.

“What if I’m not sorry? What if I think you loved all of that as much as I did?”

Her lips purse.

“You carved your fucking initials into my thigh, Seb. That is not fucking okay. Humiliating me in front of these assholes? Not fucking okay.”

“Now, I know you enjoyed that.”

“Not the fucking point,” she hisses. “I did nothing to deserve any of that. The only reason you did it was because of my name, and I had fuck all to do with that. As far as I can figure out, my entire existence is one giant mistake, just like the time I’ve spent with you.”

“You don’t mean that,” I state, my resolve cracking slightly.

“Don’t I?” She lifts the gun a little, realising that her aim has slipped.

Silence falls around all of us, anticipation crackling in the air.