
Throwing off the covers, I jump in the shower, ignoring my aching cock. I already know that my hand isn’t going to come anywhere close to what I need after watching that video.

“Let’s go,” I state, marching through the flat less than ten minutes later.

“What took you so long?” Theo says, hopping up and following me out after tucking his own piece into his waistband. “Gotta say, man,” he calls over his shoulder as we march around the side of the main house on our way toward the shooting range between the two properties, “you didn’t pick yourself an easy one to deal with.”

“When have I ever wanted easy?”

I think about most of the women in our lives. The quiet ones who stay at home, raising the kids while the men do… the shit we do on a daily basis.

I’ve always known they’re not for me. I want someone who challenges me, who calls me out on my bullshit, and tries to make me a better person, because hell knows I could use some help in that department.

It was the danger glittering in her eyes that first night in the graveyard that pulled me in. The lack of fucks she gave about the fact that I was sitting there with a gun. She didn’t even bat an eyelid, and instead of running, she got closer.

It should have been obvious that she was the one for me.

She certainly is one of kind, that’s for fucking sure.

The sound of gunshots popping off begins to ring out around us, and as we break through the trees hiding the range from anyone who might be brave enough to venture onto this land, my mouth goes dry.

“I hope you know that everyone wants your girl right now,” Theo mutters. “Fuck, man. That’s hot as hell.”

I keep my eyes locked on her back as we approach, and despite the fact that she doesn’t turn around, I know the exact moment she becomes aware of my presence.

Her shoulders bunch a little, her body stilling for a beat before she begins firing off the final rounds in the clip.

“I think that’s our cue to leave, Cal,” she says loudly, still refusing to turn my way.

Calli hesitantly looks over her shoulder and winces.

Stepping up behind Stella, I wrap my hand around her throat.

“Not so fucking fast, Princess,” I growl in her ear, loving the way she trembles in my hold.

“Get off me, Seb.” Anger laces her voice, but it does the opposite of making me want to release her. Instead, my semi hardens once more against her arse.

Calli gasps in shock when Stella lifts her arm, bringing the gun in her hand up to my head, resting it beside my temple.

“T-that’s empty, r-right?” she stutters, all the blood draining from her face.

“I don’t know,” Stella says, her voice flat, not giving anything away.

From the number of rounds I saw her fire before she stopped, I want to say it is. But my girl is a crazy bitch, so I wouldn’t put it past her to leave one bullet in the clip just for me.

“Shall we find out?” she asks, slipping from my hold and pointing the barrel right between my brows.

Any normal person would probably panic, try to say anything they can think of to make the other person lower the weapon. But we’ve both long come to terms with the fact that neither of us is fucking normal.

“Go on then, Princess. Try it. I fucking dare you,” I taunt, a smirk pulling at my lips.

“Whoa, Stella, you should probably give me that back now,” Daemon says, stepping up beside her.

“Nah, I’ve got this, thanks.”

“Stella,” Calli damn near whimpers.

The others’ stares burn into me, but I don’t take my eyes from Stella’s to see what kind of expressions they’re wearing.