She was lying. I could see it in her eyes. But still, the stubborn bitch pretended like it was nothing. Like what’s between us is nothing, that she can’t fucking feel it.

“Trouble in paradise?” he asks, dropping his arse to the chair at the other side of my room as if he intends to stay for a heart to fucking heart.

“Fuck off,” I scoff, dragging my knees up and wrapping my arms around them.

I have no idea how long I slept for, but fuck, I feel like hell.

I guess two long haul flights in only a matter of days will do that.

He laughs, much as his father did earlier. “Anyone would think she doesn’t want you chasing her.”

“Well, that’s un-fucking-fortunate for her, because I’m not planning on stopping now.”

“You’re so fucking whipped, man.”

Running my fingers through my hair, I stare at him, wondering for the first time if I’m a completely lost cause where Stella Doukas is concerned.

If being whipped means I get more time with her like this weekend, then maybe, just maybe it’s not such a bad state to be in.

“Ho-ly shit,” Theo chuckles. “You’ve fucking fallen for her, haven’t you?”

Have I?

And if I have, when exactly did that happen?

“I dunno. All I do know right now is that some motherfucker is out there trying to kill her and she slammed the fucking door in my face.”

He laughs. Again.

“If you could find this any less amusing, I’d be fucking grateful.”

“Bro, you have no fucking idea how amazing this all is to watch. Sebastian Papatonis falling for the bad-arse mafia princess.”

My lips part, ready to spit a biting comeback at him, but I don’t get a chance because he continues.

“On that note, you checked your phone yet?”

“N-no. Why?”

“I’ll be ready when you are.”

With that cryptic comment, he pushes from the chair and finally leaves me alone.

Reaching over the side of the bed, I find the pile of discarded clothes from a few hours ago and rummage around for my phone.

Waking it up, I find a message from Nico.

Unlocking it, I press play on the video.

“Holy fu—” My chin hits the floor as I stare at the footage of Stella shooting out on the range and hitting the target every fucking time.

Fuck protecting her. Maybe she should be the one protecting me.

It comes to an end and I hit play again, my cock already painfully hard.

I watch it five times before I minimise it and look at the message from Nico that accompanied it.

Nico: Your girl sure knows how to shoot a good load. Might see what else she’s capable of if you don’t show your face sometime soon.