
“You’re crazy.”

“Guilty. Now, you need to get to class before you end up late.” But as he says this, he dips his lips to my neck and starts kissing.

“Yeah, so are you if you don’t stop.”

“I know a really good storage cupboard,” he groans in my ear.

“I’m sure you do,” I say with a laugh, pressing my palms against his chest and forcing him to back up.

He looks down at me, his heavy lids lowered and a pout on his lips.

He looks cute. Too stinking cute.

“Class, Sebastian. I’ll see you later.”

“Last chance,” he offers, taking a step back and running his eyes down my body.

“Get to class, boyfriend.” The smile he gives me before lifting his hand in a salute makes my knees weak, and my stomach erupts with butterflies.

Dammit, he’s turning me into one of those girls.

“Miss Doukas, it’s so good to see you back,” Miss Phillips, my economics teacher says, coming to a stop in front of me with an amused expression on her face.

“Thanks. It’s… uh… good to be back.”

“Looks like you’re wasting no time in diving back into things,” she shoots over her shoulder before slipping into her classroom right as the second bell for the beginning of class rings out around us.

I hurry inside and drop into my seat at the front.

Whispers immediately erupt at my arrival, but I square my shoulders and let their gossip roll off me. It isn’t like it’s something I’m not used to.