
Being back at school and being constantly watched by one of five scary members of the mafia at all times made life almost feel normal again.

Wherever I went, one of them seemed to magically appear, and by Friday afternoon, I’d turned it into a little game and tried to do everything I could to evade them, just for my own amusement. Safe to say, I wasn’t very good at it.

Since touching down on English soil again and moving into Theo’s place with him and Seb, I haven’t received any signs that my stalker still exists. But while I might like to think that means he’s gone, the guys aren’t quite as confident.

Which is why they gave the two security details standing guard at both the main door to the coach house and the entrance to the garage very stern instructions not to let us out tonight.

All five of them headed off in their hot-as-sin black suits a little over two hours ago to work at the hotel for some event they’ve got running. I didn’t really ask any questions when Theo made it more than clear that he wasn’t going to divulge any details about what they’re up to. Fine by me, I’m sure I can find a way to get it out of Seb later.

“I need to do something,” I complain, placing my empty glass down on the coffee table and looking between Calli and Emmie, who are lounging on the other couch with their own drinks.

The need to break the rules and let loose is burning through my veins. Seb knew it too, hence the extra security.

“The Halloween party is Sunday night,” Calli says, apprehension for what I’m about to suggest clear on her face.

“It better be as good as you’ve promised,” Emmie says, giving Calli a side-eye. “If it’s lame, you’re gonna have a lot to answer for, Cirillo.”

“It won’t be. The Knight’s Ridge sixth form Halloween party is legendary.”

“Hmm…” Emmie rumbles. “We’ll see.”

“It’s going to be awesome. Plus it’ll be crawling with security, so maybe the guys can actually enjoy it.”

“Yeah, it’s going to be at an abandoned building full of people in costumes and masks. That’s not gonna happen. Seb’s already threatened not to go,” I say, remembering the very heated discussion we had about it last night.

“No one will do anything.”

“You seem very confident,” Emmie says, raising a brow at Calli.

“Dad and Uncle Damien have it covered. Nothing is going to happen.”

I don’t doubt her. I’m starting to think all of this protection just in case this creep tries something else is a little overkill, so I’m just surprised at her confidence. Other than Seb, she’s been one of the most paranoid over the past few days, double-checking everything, not letting me into a room at school until she’s been in first in case someone is waiting for me. I’m not entirely sure what she thought she’d do if there actually was someone lying in wait, but I can’t deny that a part of me wanted him to be just so I could see what would happen.

“What do you want to do?” Emmie asks, ignoring Calli’s previous concern.

“Let’s go out. I want to go dancing. Just us. No boys allowed.”

“Stella,” Calli warns.

“What? I can’t spend another night locked inside waiting for something to happen. It’s suffocating. I want to get out. I want to be normal.”

“And you will, when the guys find this twisted fuck.”

“Assuming he’s not got bored and moved on.”

“Or until he gets an opening when you’re not protected and does a better job.”

“A better job?” I ask, amusement in my tone.

“Ugh, you know what I mean. Anyway, we’re unlikely to get past the guys downstairs.”

“Oh, I don’t know… I think the three of us could be quite persuasive if we want to be.”

A wicked smile pulls at Emmie’s lips. I still have no idea what’s been going on with her. She seems more than happy to push it aside and focus on our lives. I’m hoping that with a little more alcohol and some of Alex’s weed that’s sitting in my purse, she might just start opening up a little.