“I’m in,” she says, sitting forward, her shoulders set in determination. “You got a fake ID, Cal?”


“Of course you haven’t.” Emmie rolls her eyes at our innocent friend.

“Why would I even need one? Nico barely lets me out of the house, let alone attend things I’m too young for.”

“Right. I got you covered, girl.” Emmie grabs her cell from beside her and starts tapping at the screen.

“What are you doing?” Calli asks, sitting up so she can see the screen. “Who the hell is Jonno?”

“Just a guy who can get us anything we need,” she says cryptically. “Smile,” she says, quickly taking a photo of Calli, much to her horror.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Trust me, girl. Jonno will hook you up.”

“Wha—I—Stella,” she whines, looking at me as if I’m going to jump in and help her.

“What? You need a fake.” I wink at Emmie.

“Oh my God,” she sighs, falling back on the couch.

“Oh no, you don’t. We’re going out.”

Emmie smiles at me, and together we haul Calli from the couch and drag her to the room I share with Seb.

“For the record, this is a really bad idea,” she states, placing her hands on her hips and giving us warning glares.

“Drink this,” Emmie says, forcing Calli to take the bottle of vodka she snatched from the kitchen as we passed.

“Then smoke one of these.”

“Girl,” Emmie squeals. “Have you been hiding the goods from us?”

Putting the joint to my lips, I light it with the Zippo Seb left on the side and take a pull.

“Fuck me,” I breathe, releasing the hit. “That’s good.”

I pass it over to Emmie before I pull up a playlist on my cell and blast it through the entire apartment.

“You’ve never done it before?” Emmie asks Calli, who holds the blunt between her fingers like it’s about to bite her.

I can’t help but chuckle at the two of them. They’re like light and dark. Angel and Devil.

“Just breathe it in.”

Calli shoots me a concerned look.

“You wanted a bad influence in your life, Cirillo. God answered your prayers, because you got two.”

“Fuck it,” she mutters before taking her first hit and then coughing until I swear she’s about to puke all over Theo’s fancy cream carpet.

“Oh my God, that’s…” She pauses, I assume as the effects hit her. “Actually pretty good.”

I throw my head back, laughing when she takes another hit.

“Whoa, virgin. Don’t get carried away,” Emmie chastises, snatching the joint back as I take a swig of vodka from the bottle before pulling open the closet.