“Really?” he mutters, much to my amusement.

“Keep an eye on my girls, Cass.” I shoot him a wink and close the door.

I’m playing with fire. The second Seb checks the tracking app he’s got connected to my cell, all hell is going to break loose. Excitement races through my veins at the thought.

He’s going to be fucking furious, and I might be throwing Carl and Cass under a bus right now, but hell if I’m not desperate for the impending fight we’ve got coming our way.

I bite down on my bottom lip, my blood already beginning to boil at the thought of his brutal touches and the vicious words he’s no doubt going to spit at me for defying orders.

“You’re trouble. I hope you know that,” Carl informs me, as if it’s news.

“I know. But what’s the point in life if you can’t break a few rules and have a little fun? Right, Em?” I call behind me, knowing full well that she’s totally on board with this plan.

“Hell, yes.”

The second we pull up outside the club, Emmie slips around the side of the building to meet the guy she was messaging about Calli’s fake ID, and only minutes later the three of us and our two shadows are in the line, ready to head inside.

Neither of the bouncers even question Emmie or Calli’s IDs, and before we know it, the three of us are in the middle of the dancefloor, rolling our hips in time with the booming music.

“Hell, yes,” Calli screams, totally fucking wasted and high as a kite from her first taste of weed. “This was the best idea ever.”

Our escorts make themselves useful by supplying us with drinks as the night goes on, but at no point do their eyes leave us, which means I can totally let go and just enjoy my time with the girls.

Sweat covers my skin as we dance, my hair sticking to my bare neck.

Two guys approach Emmie and Calli from behind. They’re clearly friends, because they share a look as they begin moving in time with them. Not a second later do I feel someone at my own back.

No words are said as the six of us dance.

It’s perfect. Well, almost. The only thing that would be better would be if it were Seb behind me.

The guy, whoever he is, is a perfect gentleman, which shocks the fuck out of me. Although I can’t help but wonder if he’s clocked our security and is erring on the side of caution.

If he has, then he hasn’t warned his friends, who are more than happy to turn the heat up a notch with my girls. Both of them are totally in their element as they shed their inhibitions and grind against the guys.

My cell buzzing in my purse should be my first sign that trouble is brewing, but much like everything else tonight, I push it aside in favor of enjoying myself. It’s been entirely too long since it happened.

Carl and Cass’s wide eyes as they dart toward me are my second clue, and it’s them who make me stop dancing only a second before Calli screams my name a beat before the excitement really begins.