
“This is bullshit,” I complain, standing guard at the door of the function room where tonight’s hen do is being held.

“Bro, we’re in a room full of wasted and horny women,” Alex says, his eyes scanning the room, eating up all the skin on show.

“And I could be at home with my own probably wasted and horny woman.”

Nico lifts his hand and makes a whipping sound behind him.

They’ve been trying to get to me all night with comments about me being whipped, but it’s not working because I just don’t care.

I’ve handed my balls over to Stella, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. Well, unless she was physically handling them right now, of course.

“You’re just pissed because you can’t bang one of the bridesmaids in the toilets like that dog did,” Alex says, nodding toward Nico.

“Oh yeah, that’s it.” I roll my eyes at the pair of them.

Fuck knows why we had to work tonight, leaving Carl and Cass at our place to watch the girls. They could have more than handled this bunch of rowdy women. Hell, they’ve got to be easier than dealing with Stella and Emmie, that’s for sure.

“I’m going to get a drink,” I tell no one in particular, pushing from the wall and making my way through the women and half-naked male dancers that are littered around.

“What can I get you, Seb?” Gavin, tonight’s bartender, asks.

“Vodka, neat. Fuck the rocks.”

His brow lifts. “Not enjoying yourself? The others seem to be. Pretty sure I saw Nico being dragged into the ladies’ bathroom not so long ago.”

“You saw right,” I mutter, pulling my phone from my pocket and unlocking it.

“Amazing what a good woman can do to you, huh?” he asks with a laugh, knowing full well that if it weren’t for Stella, I’d be as bad as Nico given half a chance.

“Yeah, I guess,” I respond absently as I wait for the tracker to load.

I’m confident that I don’t need to bother. She’ll be at home with the girls, hopefully getting suitably drunk for when I get back. Hell knows I’m gonna need everything she can offer me after dealing with this lot all night.

Gavin slides a glass toward me and I knock it back while my app continues to search.

“The fuck?” I bark, slamming the glass down so hard it shatters on the bar.

“What’s wrong?” Gavin asks, but he’s too late. I’m already halfway across the room.

I approach Toby from behind and grab the back of his neck.

“You’re with me,” I bark, steering him toward the exit.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Theo shouts after us.

“Going to kill Toby’s sister,” I announce, my voice full of deadly intentions.

“What has she done?” Toby asks on a sigh, not sounding surprised in the slightest.

My grip on his neck tightens.

I might have agreed for her to be out and about in the hope of attracting her stalker so we could put an end to this bullshit, but the agreement was with us—with me—watching her.

“She’s going to fucking regret this,” I mutter, continuing forward.