“We’ll be fine without you,” Theo calls sarcastically.

“Was I giving you a choice? Although, if you wanna teach your emo chick a lesson, you might wanna come with.” I look back just in time to see him flip me off before Toby and I disappear through the doors.

“Where is she?” Toby asks as we march through the hotel foyer toward the lift that will take us to the underground car park to get my car.

“The fucking Avenue.”

“With Emmie and Calli?”

“Something tells me she didn’t go alone.”

“And what about Carl and Cass?”

“Fucking dead, as far as I’m concerned. They had one job.”

Toby bursts out laughing.

“What?” I bark, my patience already long gone.

“You’re aware that this is your fault, right?”

“Mine? How the fuck do you figure that?” I ask as the lift doors open and we walk around the people waiting to step inside. The second they look up at us, they take a step back, wisely deciding to wait for the other one.

I hit the button for the basement and the doors close.

“You set her a challenge by telling her to stay there tonight. What did you really expect?”

“For her to do as she’s fucking told?”

“You have met your girlfriend, right?”

“Shut the fuck up, Ariti, or you’ll end up in an unmarked grave with Carl and Cass.”

He laughs as if I’m joking. All I do is crack my knuckles, trying to keep a lid on my temper as the doors open.

The drive to The Avenue only takes fifteen minutes. The roads are quiet, and by some miracle we manage to park not far down from the entrance.

Ignoring the queue that wraps around the building to get inside, we march straight up to the bouncers who instantly open the rope for us, allowing us inside.

I have no idea what floor they’ll be on, but I make an educated guess that they wouldn’t have made much effort to go up or down. Something tells me that she wants to ensure I can find her as easily as possible. Why the fuck would she bring her cell, allowing me to track her if she didn’t want me to fucking chase her?

The club is packed. I’m not surprised—it’s Friday night, after all.

Toby and I stand on the edge of the dancefloor, scanning the crowd. But I don’t see her.

My heart thunders so hard in my chest it starts to hurt as my nails dig into my palms with how tightly my fists are clenched.

My eyes are still flicking around all the sweaty, gyrating bodies when Toby’s elbow connects with my ribs—a little harder than absolutely necessary, but I forget all about it when I follow his pointed finger.

If I thought I was mad at her little stunt, then it’s nothing compared to the sight of her dancing with someone else.

“He’s fucking dead,” I growl, storming forward through the crowd.

“Seb, no, don’t—” Toby’s warning fades into nothing as the booming music mixes with the blood racing past my ears, my anger getting the better of me.

Those who don’t see me coming get thrown aside in my need to get to her.

She’s completely oblivious as I forge forward, her hips rolling against that fuck as she loses herself in the moment.