Enjoy that bliss, baby. It’s coming to an abrupt fucking end.

Calli, thankfully, isn’t quite so oblivious despite the fact that she’s got some cunt’s hands all over her. She has to know that this is a Cirillo club. She has to have known that we’d be here.

“Stella,” she squeals a second before I get to them, giving my girl the briefest of warning before the guy she was dancing with is thrown across the floor, colliding with other drunk, oblivious people.

“Seb, no,” she screams as I step over him, grabbing his shirt to drag him up before my fist slams into his cheek.

The red haze of anger finally consumes me and I lose my grip on what the fuck I’m doing as I take everything out on this fucking chancer.

It’s not until hands wrap around my upper arms, physically dragging me back from the passed-out fuck, that I realise just how badly I lost it.

My chest heaves, sweat causes my shirt to stick to my back, and my fists scream in pain. But none of that is enough to stop me from fighting to get free to continue.

“Seb, calm the fuck down,” Theo barks in my ear.

My confusion over hearing his voice is what I need to fully bring me back to reality as my feet are dragged across the sticky floor.

People surround the guy I just beat the shit out of, blocking my view of the mess I made of his face.

“We need to get the fuck out of here right now.”

“Stella,” I shout.

“Toby’s got her, you stupid cunt,” he growls.

Theo pushes me toward the exit as security guards come rushing up. They know exactly who caused the trouble, but one look at us and they turn a blind eye. Dragging us in isn’t worth losing their jobs over.

“You’re a lucky motherfucker,” Alex adds over my other shoulder as we spill out into the street.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Stella screams, getting right in my face the second my feet hit the pavement.

My hand moves faster than my brain can process, and my fingers wrap around her throat, squeezing in warning.

“Me? What the fuck is wrong with me? All you had to do was stay at fucking home,” I hiss, my barely controlled anger making my hand shake as I hold her, pushing her back toward where I abandoned my car.

Her lips part to respond, but no words come out.

“Did you want Carl and Cass’s deaths on your conscience? Was that it? Because that’s all you’ve fucking done tonight.”

“N-no,” she finally says as her back collides with my car. “This is on me, not them. They were protecting us. Doing their jobs.”

“So why were you pressed up against some cunt who wasn’t me when you’re meant to be safe at home?”

Her teeth grind, making her jaw pop.

Leaning into her, I run my nose across her jaw, the move at odds with my harsh grip of her throat.

“I shouldn’t have to be at work worrying about you, baby.”

I sense her intentions before she moves and jump out of the way when her knee lifts.

“I hope you considered the consequences of this little stunt.”

Her eyes darken with wicked intent.

“Fucking hellion,” I mutter, shoving my hand into my pocket and throwing my keys at Alex, who’s standing at my side, watching the show.

“Drive us home, bro. Stella and I need to have a little chat.”