A smirk curls at my lips that makes her throat ripple with a swallow.

Oh yeah, she knew too fucking well what she was doing.

Ripping the back door of my Aston open, I growl at her to get in and damn near throw her through the door.

I’m about to follow when a hand lands on my shoulder.

Spinning around, I find Toby staring at me.

My eyes hold his for a beat, hearing his unspoken warning loud and clear.

“You should probably go back with them. You don’t need to see this.”

His lips part to argue, but I don’t give him a chance and climb into the car as Alex drops into the driver’s seat.

I don’t look back, so I can only assume that Theo, Toby and Nico have Calli and Emmie under control.

Who knows, maybe Theo’s night will turn around if Emmie is half as drunk as Stella is.

The engine rumbles beneath us as Alex pulls away from the street.

Stella is still fumbling with her seat belt when I reach over, wrap my hands around her waist and lift her, settling her so she’s straddling my lap.

“What the—” Her words cut off the second she looks into my eyes.

Stella’s already experienced me at my worst, or so I thought, so the fact that the deadly expression on my face right now renders her speechless really says a lot.

“Bro, don’t be a dick,” Alex warns, but my only response is to laugh as I drag Stella’s bag from across her body and throw it onto the seat beside us.

“Go the long way around,” I tell him, keeping my eyes locked on Stella’s. “And don’t fucking look back,” I warn a second before I wrap my fingers around the low-cut of her dress and tug. The thin straps over her shoulders snap as I expose her. “You’re going to fucking pay for that stunt, Hellion.”

Surging forward, I suck one of her nipples into my mouth and bite until she screams out in pain.

“Fucking hell, Seb,” Alex complains.

“Shut up and drive.”

“Fuck, Seb. You can’t,” Stella moans as I soothe the pain with my tongue, lapping at her sensitive flesh.

But in contrast to her words, her hips roll, the burning heat of her pussy grinding down on my already painfully hard cock.

One look at her in this sinful little dress and I was fucking gone for her, stupid stunt or not.

“Seb,” she moans loudly, using my body for her own pleasure.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Alex mutters from the front, but I block him out.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I say, lifting her slightly so she loses the friction she’s so desperate for. “You don’t deserve any pleasure after what you’ve done.”

“Seb, please. I need—”

I chuckle darkly. “Oh, baby. I know exactly what you need.”

Skimming my hands up her thighs, I push her dress around her waist, exposing her pretty lace thong.

Wrapping my fingers around the sides, I tug. She lets out a wanton moan as the fabric pulls away from her body.

With another mumbled complaint, Alex turns the music up in an attempt to drown her out.