While I might be glad that I skipped town, leaving everyone in my new life behind, I know there are going to be people who are going out of their minds right now.

Guilt washes through me.

Not so much for my dad. He never bothered to even visit me in the days after I woke up. But Calli… she has every right to hate me.

Finding her number that I stored in my phone on the Uber drive toward Rosewood High, I hit dial and lift it to my ear, hoping like hell she takes a chance on an unknown number.

Relief floods me when the line crackles and connects.


“Calli, it’s Stella.”

“Oh my God,” she gasps, a rush of air passing over the microphone. “Where the hell are you? What the hell is going on?”

“I just… I needed to get away.”

“And you didn’t trust me enough to tell me?” Hurt laces her voice and my chest constricts. “I could have helped. Emmie said—” Her voice cracks with emotion, and I instantly feel like the worst kind of friend in the world.

“I know. That’s not why I didn’t tell you.” I was trying to protect you. I swallow the words she won’t want to hear.

Maybe I made the wrong decision in keeping this from her. But I was doing it with her best interests at heart.

“Those guys are ruthless. I didn’t want them coming after you for information.”

“I’d have kept any secret you wanted from them.”

“I know. I never once questioned your loyalty. I just didn’t want you to deal with their wrath.” Silence descends over the line. “I’m sorry. I just—”

“It’s okay. I don’t like it, but I get it.”

“Have they come to you?” I ask with a wince.


I knew it. I fucking knew they’d go straight to her thinking that they’d get everything they need.

“I haven’t seen Seb, though. He didn’t show up for school today.”

I hate that my heart aches at her words.

“What did you tell them?”

“The truth. They wanted a phone number for you. Anything.” I blow out a long breath and rest back. “I won’t give it to them, I promise.”

“I know you won’t.” But honestly, what’s him calling going to do? I can just not answer.

“How are you? Where are you? I’ve been so worried.”

“I’m fine. I’m… You’ve probably already guessed,” I say, still questioning giving her any kind of information. She might be their princess, but I don’t trust Seb not to do whatever is necessary to get information out of her.

“Yeah, I pretty much had. Is it nice to be back?”

“Like coming home,” I say honestly.

“Y-you’re not going to come back, are you?” The emotion in her voice shocks me.

We’ve only been friends for weeks, but her reaction tells me that she recognized our connection as much as I did.